Tuesday, May 24, 2022

49ers get first opportunity to see the 2022 version of Lance in person

By Scooter_McG

There has been a lot written and said about Trey Lance and the 49ers opinion of him over the past few months, including some speculation of buyers remorse. The speculation only seemed to intensify over recent weeks as an echo chamber effect took hold in the media, with many pundits parsing their own (increasingly outlandish) takes over the initial "reports". 

The funny thing about the timing of the rumours and speculation is it has come at a time when the team had no opportunity to view his progression. 

That changed this week as voluntary OTAs began, with Lance getting his first chance to take the field as the 49ers first string QB in practices. And today was the first time the media was also allowed to view the practice sessions, meaning it was Lance's first opportunity to start quieting the rumours.

While 7-on-7 drills are not the best barometer of progression, from all reports it sounds like Lance was efficient and on the money during the session. Video of Lance today also provided some initial insight into how the offseason training program has impacted on Lance's throwing motion, which certainly seemed a lot more compact and focused on keeping the ball high, without the looping motion he had in college. 

Lance spoke to the media after practice and impressed with his maturity, another good sign of the QBs confidence and development. 

As far as the rumours and speculation goes, what we really know is that the 49ers feel confident enough in Lance that they have actively been trying to offload their starter from 2021. Shanahan confirmed that again today and reiterated the plan is still to trade Jimmy G. How this has spiralled into discussions of whether the 49ers have confidence in Lance is somewhat baffling given those facts, but that's the offseason for you. The more good days Lance stacks together, the quieter those rumours will become.   


  1. I believe someone named Scooter once commented on how sports writers have a disproportionate affect on what fan believe......
    When in fact, some talking heads are bloviating buffoons, writing BS
    as CLICK BAIT!

    Injury updates: Kinlaw and McGlinchey are on track to return in time for training camp.

  3. From Jack Hammer today:

    Run of the day

    The run of the day award goes to undrafted free agent Jordan Mason.

    Contact was limited during this session, meaning most of the action for running backs was limited to running routes.

    However, they went into a brief 11-on-11 team period. Trey Sermon had a few excellent cuts, but it was Mason who impressed most when he burst through the line of scrimmage and outran everyone for a 55-yard touchdown.


    I think it's amazingly fortunate that we were able to sign Mason and wouldn't be surprised if he makes it to our top three.

  4. The 49ers have been pretty consistent about their approach. It's just that the media hasn't been listening going back to last year.

  5. Cohn continues to make friends, this time it's Javon Kinlaw.

    "Still isn't healthy enough to practice, but today he was healthy enough to confront me on the sideline, call me lots of curse words and flick the baseball cap off my head. Baby steps."

    1. I'll be honest, I don't like hearing Kinlaw acted like that. Doesn’t matter who it is towards. It's just thuggery and a bad look.

      He's also going to have to get used to dealing with negative comments in the media throughout his career. Acting like a fool towards media that don't say what you want to hear just makes you look insecure and worried the comments have merit.

    2. And it gets worse. Getting into an online argument with Grant and cussing him out. Terrible look. He's only making himself look like a thin-skinned fool.

      49ers players and staff need to have a chat with Kinlaw and get him to pull his head in.

    3. Some thinly veiled threats in there too. Man. Wouldn't be surprised if there is some action over this.

      Easy to say Grant brings this on himself, but reality is he is allowed to do so and Kinlaw doesn’t have a right to threaten or try and intimidate him. And if he thinks this will make Grant back off he really doesn't know Grant.

    4. I disagree, Grant lies, stirs the pot and expects no reaction. I do agree online arguing is stupid on both their parts. As far as face to face confrontation, go for it. The press is out of control in this country and need to be held accountable. Lies permeate the foundation of honesty and Cohn is at the head of the class. Putting one's head in the ground - well take a look at the world - its not very pretty. Nope Cohn does not have the right to lie and messes with ones livelihood.

    5. Grant needs to know his place, dude probably was that annoying kid in school who talked about who his daddy was and he knew all these players...had he been a kid in the 80s he'd have gotten a good whooping afterschool and it would have been good for him.

    6. I'm not defending Cohn at all, but the best tactic for everyone in his orbit, players and fans alike, is just ignore his mealy mouthed taunts.

    7. "Wouldn't be surprised if there is some action over this." what do you mean, Scooter? Action as in legal actionable? Grant would be laughed out of whatever remains of his profession.

    8. Cohn could get his accessibility to players revoked, but I do expect a fine coming for Kinlaw by the team.

    9. Remember when Grants best work used to be player profiles? The guy has turned into a bitter not-so-young man. Probably due to a career that has gone sideways, never to live up to the old man.

    10. The only sympathy I have for Grant is his mother passed away recently. His approach to covering the team has never been as professional as Barrow's, Maiocco or Branch.

    11. Razor/ rib, I was thinking the fine may come from the NFL league office. I find it hard to believe they will be ok with this.

    12. As someone who's mother passed when I was a younger, its no excuse to be a douche. People handle things differently, but no mother would want their children acting poorly because of their passing.

  6. This reporter was weirdly elated by the antics of Kinlaw as if he finally found a shred of street cred. Remember this is the same guy who said that Bam Davis squealed like a little girl years ago.
    I certainly don't approve of Kinlaw' poor reaction, especially given the fact that this reporter is basking in the after-glow of the incident.

    1. Yes, I am in no way suggesting what Grant does to elicit a reaction is appropriate. I don't like it and I am not at all surprised a lot of players dislike him. Kinlaw actually had some valid points.

      But the problem is Kinlaw simply can't react that way. Not publicly.

    2. Lance has the proper attitude towards the outside noise. Cohn has had that coming for years, however as a professional, you cannot allow yourself to sink to his level. I expect some disciplinary action for Kinlaw, and hope his head gets screwed on a little tighter from here on out.

  7. I wholeheartedly agree Scooter. Kinlaw' reaction was inappropriate as a professional and adult. Javon will need to learn how to bridle his emotions in these moments. Sadly, he was instrumental in bringing attention to someone who craves it.

    1. How many dudes has Cohn gone at that end up going after him...this isn't a Kinlaw thing, this is a Cohn thing, he's a sniveling child who is only where he's at because of who's sperm he is.

  8. I see Lance is in shotgun with his left foot forward rather than even like he was last year. Prior to Shanny joining the Falcons, Ryan took his shotgun snaps with his right foot forward.

  9. @grantcohn: "Javon Kinlaw called me a sucka ass bitch today"
    @ribicoNYC: "Just one the many thousands that do every day."

    1. Come on Kinlaw that's an insult to all the sucka ass bitches in the world.

      Kinlaw you should probably back off, he isn't worth the time. You probably are in trouble now...

    2. I just wished he had also called him a Jive Turkey. Too bad we aren't closer to Thanksgiving.

  10. The worse thing in this incident is that this reporter will likely receive some national attention. But, I would hope that any national sports media that runs this, would do a background check on this reporter.
    This guy has certainly found ways to destroy everything he's touched.

    1. He's introduced several accomplices along the way.

  11. Jack Hammer is the best thing that ever happened for him.

  12. Grant said today in a video with Krueger that John Lynch had arranged a meeting in his office today where Grant and Javon shook hands.

    1. Lynch is the consumate consigliore.

    2. Smart move by Lynch. Got on top of it quickly and found a way to quash the public animosity.

    3. Or not. Javon's not letting it go it seems.

    4. Kinlaw now fancies himself some sort of activist. Lynch can't be happy.

    5. Having the player come out of the meeting and basically say he went through the motions because the organisation asked him too, but nothing has changed... yeah, can't imagine Lynch was thrilled by that.

    6. "I do this for the REAL ONES. It’s bigger than me.”

      He's on a crusade to fight the good fight!

  13. Oh, Grant.

    But anyway, Trey's footwork looked better to me, more settled. Will help him get the ball out faster.

  14. Griese, in a video interview today, was asked if he's spoken with JG yet and he said no.

  15. Just my opinion, but if the 9er FO wanted to put an end to Cohn and his "STITCH", they could ban him from their facilities. No doubt Cohn would use his poison pen to try to portray himself as the victim, but he
    has burned too many bridges and most, if not all, 9er fans are aware that he is, as eMJay so succinctly put it....Only where he's at because of who's sperm he is!
    Without access to the 9er players, or facilities, how long would ESPN
    fine him useful and replace him?

    I don't know about anyone else, but playing the Seahawks with Kaepernick at QB? Wouldn't that seem just a LITTLE STRANGE?

    1. I just hope he signs with someone so the "fans" (who never watched a minute of football before his whole kneeling situation) can see the guy CAN NOT play any more.

  17. You mean playing the Raiders with Kaepernick at QB?

    1. George
      Yep, my bad....brain fart

    2. No big deal, because I was going to opine that if he became the 'Hawks starting qb, that would mean two wins for us.

  18. https://www.49erswebzone.com/articles/158408-multiple-nfl-players-speak-against-49ers-beat-writer/

    Some big names in that list - Kittle, Deebo, Aiyuk... If GC isn't banned from the facility, like, today, who knows? A team walkout?

    1. Rib,
      Great read by Marc Adams. The said reporter isn't qualified to be a journalist. We both bare witness to how this guy used his privileged position to tare down players in a sarcastic manner at the Inside 49ers Blog. His reporting is demeaning and he continues to hide and live in the shadow of his dad.
      I'm glad that Adams and current and former 49ers players called him out. Saying that had Kinlaw got physical with would have made him a millionaire is all a person needs to know about this immature privileged clown.

  19. Oops , after the meeting Cohn says they buried the hatched and than Kinlaw goes on a rant so embarassing for Lynch.
    Imo ok Cohn can be harsh but use that as a professional football player as a motivation.

  20. Rohan Chakravarthi
    Pat McAfee on Grant Cohn/Javon Kinlaw situation:

    "How the f--- did this guy become a credentialed member of the press?"

    1. For once I agree with McAfee...then again, how teh f--- did he get a show on ESPN, a commentator on WWF, and also one of the NFL gigs (MNF?).

      Dude comes off as redneck as they come.

  21. "a lie that goes uncorrected will soon be accepted as the truth."

  22. BTW, the 2022 49ers calendar player for the month of May: Javon Kinlaw

  23. Grant's getting lambasted by the National Media. Even Florio's in on the action.

    Grant claims he's the highest paid reporter covering the 49ers.

    1. Making a joke about hoping Kinlaw touched him so he could sue was the dumbest thing he could have done. Up until then all the players could say was he says negative things about them and they don't like it. That quote gave them the ammo they needed.

    2. Yep, they took it and ran with it and it's since caught fire.

    3. "Grant claims he's the highest paid reporter covering the 49ers."

      So all the beat writers sit at a roundtable comparing their respective salaries? LOL @Grant. Even if (highly unlikely) true, that's relevant how? The richest man in the world is a internet troll cretin too.

    4. Thread
      See new Tweets
      Grant Cohn
      Call me what you want, but understand I'm the highest paid sports journalist in the Bay Area and it's not even close.
      9:16 PM · Feb 3, 2022·Twitter Web App

    5. Haha. Keep digging that hole deeper Grant.

    6. Grant is assuming that, because he has the biggest youTube audience, that he's the highest paid sports journalist, and therefore has the most cred, and frankly ... he might be right. In a very pathetic way, sensationalism sells in this country, always has, that's a fact. Howard Stern was by far the highest paid radio jockey (host) in the country back in his day, because he made the term shock-jock, a household name. That doesn't mean Stern was actually worth listening to back in the day, and he'd be the first to admit that. In fact, the only radio personality who was anywhere near as annoying as Stern back in the 90's was Rush Limbaugh, and Limbaugh made an absolute fortune by belittling people in the most belligerent, bigoted, and disrespectful way possible, so why not Grant?

    7. I doubt Lowell sperm has that big of a youtube audience.

      Great majority of niner fans go to Barrows, Maiocco, Lombardi, Inman and others before they go to L.s.

      When you pin your ONE interview with a player on your twitter account, that shows you're really nothing.

    8. If he's making that claim he needs to bring the receipts. Otherwise he's just blowing smoke out of his @ss. He making he'll use his excuse du jour, he was just joking.

    9. To be clear, I am NOT trying to excuse Grant Cohn's deplorable style. Grant is not good at being a sports reporter. In fact, he's wrong more often than he is right, mostly because he is way to quick to jump to conclusions, and there is zero nuance or maybe I should call it "grey area" in the way he analyzes football players. On top of that, he's purposely antagonistic, and often times he's flat out disrespectful. As far as his father Lowell is concerned - Lowell also had a confrontational style, but he was nowhere near as disrespectful as his son, and I think a lot of that has to do with the way social media, by nature, tends to bring out the worst of humanity. Grant is a near perfect example of everything that is wrong with the way social media has shaped our culture in the 21st century.

    10. Razor
      9er fans should congratulate Cohn, for getting a job that pays minimum wage....Very impressive, now he can move out of
      his dad's basement.

    11. That's one reason this blog is so refreshing in 2022. While I think this blog could certainly stand to use a more balanced point of view, at least there is a genuine level of respect that is kind of hard to find these days. Scooter and Razor may be homers (unquestionably), but they are also stand up guys - both level headed, and respectful - and that's one reason I keep coming back. Well that, and the fact that Scooter provides more genuine insight in his opening "lede" (essential points in an opening summary clearly delivered) of just a single article or post, than Grant Cohn provides over the course of an entire month's worth of "content". In fact, now that I think about it in those terms, I think it's fair to assume that part of the reason that Grant makes such a habit of wallowing in the gutter, is because maybe, just maybe, that's all he's got? After all, Grant Cohn's journalism cabinet seems emptier than the average bachelor's kitchen cabinets, so maybe it shouldn't be a surprise that he's using classic "deflection" tactics in order to cover up for his journalistic shortcomings.

      I don't know if Cohn has an official slogan, but I would love to see people flood his social media accounts with the slogan "FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT", because I think that's a slogan that really ought to stick!

    12. BTW guys, I took the time to compare Trey Lance's mechanical delivery this week, frame by frame, alongside the clearest practice film I could find of his throwing motion after he came back from his broken finger last season. I don't know how you guys feel about it, but for my eyes, I see a noticeable difference in his throwing motion!

      The best I can decipher it at this point, is that the angle is different. I think he's throwing from a different arm-slot, and not only does it look more efficient in terms of his wind up and release, but the football is coming out of his hand with what looks to be a much tighter spin.

      I really, really like what I've seen so far. How much of it has to do with all of the work that he did during the offseason - allegedly working with 3DQB (according to a 3DQB spokesperson, who tagged Lance and posted a photo of Trey allegedly working with one of their coaches at their Texas facility), and how much of it has to do with the fact that Trey's finger injury was more significant than Kyle led us all to believe. I don't know ... but I am 100% convinced that, whether the finger was seriously hindering Trey's delivery last season, or whether it had more to do with what looked to me like a slightly-elongated and/or overly-exaggerated throwing motion, seems to be significantly cleaned up!

      I think Trey is primed to overcome the lack of public support from his HC, and break out in his sophomore season. While I thinks it's unfortunate that his HC essentially set the young man up to be the mainstream sports-media's punching bag this offseason, but I get the sense that Trey may have enough drive and determination to overcome what could easily damage a different personality type, and I can hardly wait for Trey to prove them all wrong, starting at the end of July, and it will culminate with a postseason berth!

    13. BTW, the infamous QB guru - TOM HOUSE (PhD) is a co-founder at 3DQB, along with co-founder and CEO - ADAM DEDEAUX.


      They focus on what they call the 4 Legs of the Performance Table, which is the core of their QB training foundation:

      1) Functional Strength & Conditioning
      2) Mechanics & Motion Analysis
      3) Mental & Emotional Management
      4) Nutrition


    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. 3DQB IS LOCATED AT 15744 Golden west St Huntington Beach California 92647

  24. Looks like the snake bit his own arse. His opportunity to make national news has backfired in his face.

  25. GOOD TO KNOW..... Lance also spoke about how much his finger impacted his ability to throw the ball, per 49erswebzone.com........
    "I think the finger, for me, was the biggest thing just as far as throwing the ball. I kind of had to learn to throw the ball differently without kind of using my pointer finger, I guess because of just where it was at throughout the year. But now, I feel like I'm in a great spot, health-wise, and throwing the ball well and feeling really good."
    GOOD TO GO......
    Surgery was not necessary to repair the injury. Lance added he is "in a great spot, health-wise" entering OTAs.

    1. He's going to need to work on playing through those types of injuries without it being as big of an issue as it was. I get fingers are important when throwing the ball, but when Jimmy was playing through a thumb ligament issue he gritted and beared it. Wonder how much slack or flack Trey would have got compared to Jimmy seeing as how everyone was trashing JG when he wasn't throwing so well with his bumb thumb (and shoulder).

  26. Fantasy football fight at Giants and Reds.


  27. 2022 NFL calendar: Deadlines set for roster cuts:

    * This year the 90-man offseason rosters will be trimmed to 53 over the course of three different cutdown periods. Teams will be required to slash their roster to these numbers by these dates:
    * Tuesday, August 16: 90 to 85 players
    * Tuesday, August 23: 85 to 80
    * Tuesday, August 30: 80 to 53

  28. The future is bright with some good addition in Charvarius Ward and drafting a future stud in Drake, and when Trey goes in Treyminator modus than hasta la vista baby with our opponents hehehe.

  29. 8.3% of Lance’s pass attempts last season were 20+ yards downfield compared to just 7.5% for Jimmy. League average is just north of 11%.

  30. When the Offense opens up that number will be at least 10%

    1. Yea, keeping in mind Lance was operating in an offense designed for Jimmy G too. We'll get to see what he looks like in an offense designed just for him, and I expect you'll be proven right.

    2. That's a very good point. And I think we're going to get a pretty good sense of how Kyle feels about where Trey is at in his development pretty early on, and I find it extremely intriguing, and very exciting! BTW, David Lombardi has done the same thing I did in analyzing Trey's pre-injury throwing motion in comparison to the 2022 version, and he seems to have come to the same conclusion that I have. If I do have a concern about Trey, it's the overwhelmingly negative outside noise that has become a near constant over the last 6-8 weeks. My sense is that Trey's not going to allow it to get to him, but I wouldn't bet on it, that's for sure. And I feel bad for the kid, because I have no reservations in saying that - most extremely inexperience 22 years old QB's would buckle under the weight of expectations, and the incredible pressure of being expected to replace a guy like Jimmy, who is not only universally liked and respected among his teammates, but also pretty darn successful when it comes winning.

      One thing I know for certain and that is that it's going to be absolutely critical, and I mean DEFCON 5, that Trey looks like he belongs out of the gate, because if they move Jimmy, and then Trey looks like he's not ready for this, on the heels of was has been an avalanche of negative, BS, offseason chatter, I don't know if there is any coming back from that. So FINGERS CROSSED!

  31. And the official 49ers calendar June featured player is.... Jimmy Garoppolo ;)


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