Thursday, April 15, 2021

DaeSean Hamilton

I think the 49ers are targeting, DaeSean Hamilton to be their slot wr. The Broncos have too many wr's, and we've done business with them before. If they want him I think Elway would give us the first chance at him. What do y'all think?

LOT of buzz connecting Fields to 3/SF in last 24 hours.


  1. Just reflecting on this... I think it's amazing how many people have changed their tune on Fields, myself included.

    I had previously stated that I preferred Mac and Lance to Fields but as I watched and looked at more data I moved Fields up considerably.
    Granted my number one criteria when evaluating a qb is accuracy... so it it makes sense that he would climb as one observes his ball placement in comparison to others. Additionally, while I do not like using schools against a player... that definitely played a small part in my bias against him early on.

    I was wondering how have others opinions began to change regarding some of the prospects though this process?

    1. I was always Lance or Fields but prefer Lance a smidge. Jones is the player I've yet to change my mind on since February.

    2. Honestly, my opinion hasn't changed for some time. The one opinion of mine that changed from late last year to February this year was Mac Jones - I've always liked him as a prospect but previously I thought he was a guy you'd take mid to late round 1. Since the Senior Bowl I have had him as my #4 guy and not far behind Lance.

      I don't know what precipitated the negative narrative towards Fields about a month ago, but it was clearly overblown. Now I feel like the correction is also overblown. He's always been accurate with a big arm. Always been athletic. None of that is new. He's also always been smart. Sure, his record score in an aptitude test was news, but he's always been a smart guy. It is like all of this is new to some folks though, and now he is faultless.

      He isn't a faultless prospect. He isn't a one-read QB like some of the ridiculos narrative from a month or so ago, but he does show some struggles in processing information quickly. He does have a tendency to hold the ball a long time. He didn't make a lof of anticipatory throws. There is a stat out there that shows that of the top 4 QBs in this draft, Fields has by far and away the longest average time to throw on plays where he is pressured, by far the highest share of plays where he scrambles when pressured, and by far the highest percent of sacks when pressured. These are all potential signs of someone that can have trouble processing quickly under fire.

      Some of this can be explained by the offense he played in, I get that, but you do have to keep in mind that other talented QBs out of this system that showed the same issues have struggled to develop in this area. And while I also understand using previous QBs from the same school is a lazy way to scout, it still is a valid area of concern when you can see similar issues and how they have translated to the pros.

      He also is inconsistent with understanding where pressure is coming from, and sensing it. He can be a tick slow in navigating the pocket away from pressure. He takes some brutal hits because he isn't aware he's in imminent danger. This, to me, is a sign that he may lack some awareness of his surroundings. When you combine that with the timing of most of his throws (once they are open), I worry he is more a guy that needs to see it rather than sense it.

      And being smart doesn't mean he will just pick it up. There are plenty of smart guys playing QB that don't.

      For mine, for better or worse, Fields is a very similar prospect to RGIII when he came out. He was a guy that was super accurate to all levels of the field with a big arm, highly athletic, similar size, lauded for his intelligence and personality/ leadership. If you have forgotten what he was like in college, either go watch some film or read some of the scouting reports on him. It is weird how many of his scouting reports that if you change the name to Justin Fields you wouldn't tell they weren't actually about Fields.

      Now this isn't me trying to explain why I think Fields will be a bust. I liked RGIII as a prospect, and he failed for many reasons, some that had nothing to do with his ability. I like Fields as a prospect too, and think in the right circumstances, and if he develops in certain areas he can be great. But for mine he is currently being put on a pedastal by a lot of fans that are late to the party and are wanting to over-correct a negative narrative he had towards him that in part seemed to be due to race. It is ok to say he has some flaws. It is also ok to say you think he is the best QB prospect despite those flaws. But I will take exception to anyone that tries to tell me he has no flaws, or that those flaws are not a valid concern.

    3. Scooter
      * "I don't know what precipitated the negative narrative towards Fields about a month ago, but it was clearly overblown."
      * Same thing every BLACK QB is faced with....He's black! Therefore he's "SLOW" and can't process the D.
      SO WHAT CHANGED? 1) His statistics were made available and sports writers picked up on it. 2) His pro day! He showed what he could do and suddenly every one realized how good his arm was and he ran a 4.4 x 40.
      * I've said from day one there was little difference between Wilson, Fields and Lance. And Jones, while not as physical gifted as the others, is NOT that far behind. All 5 of the top QB are capable of running KS offense.

    4. Scooter,
      I am not sure of the RG3-Fields comparison beyond the measurables.
      RG3 failed primarily because he did not care to work towards developing his game in the pocket. His lack of commitment to bettering his craft may have been somewhat apparent to the Shanahans since they did not want to draft him. If Fields has the same attitude to studying game film and mastering the playbook, he, too will be a failure. It's up to the coaching staff and front office to do the due diligence and figure out his desire to be great. Easier said than done.

    5. "I've said from day one there was little difference between Wilson, Fields and Lance. And Jones, while not as physical gifted as the others, is NOT that far behind. All 5 of the top QB are capable of running KS offense."

      YES! Exactly GEEP. This is why I don't understand when someone is so adamant about any of these guys being the one they MUST take. To me they are all so closely bunched, and very easy to have them in any order. Very much just a personal preference thing. For me, I prefer Lance. But totally understand why people may prefer Fields.

    6. Mood, you are right. That, to me, is exactly why RGIII failed, not his ability. But at the time of the draft some of the things people noted about RGIII (positively) were his intelligence, humility, work ethic and desire.

      When I say Fields reminds me of RGIII I very much am referring to his film. I can't speak for the person, as I don't have access to that outside of what people say about him. But, the same things that people point to about Fields in terms of having the right attitude and intelligence to develop they also said about RGIII. Until I actually see Fields do so, for me it is a valid concern.

  2. I just found out that, Fields had an offer from Harvard.

  3. What makes me walk around with a smirk on my face is the narrative that Fields is dumb and Jones is smart. If he's so smart why is he the only one out of the five with a dui? Mic drop.

    1. DUIs in QB prospects bother me -- that's why I rated Prescott lower (as did the rest of the league). Not only did Jones get a DUI and was involved in an accident, it happened during the football season. Very poor judgement. Sure, he was 17 then, and maybe a very different person now. But he's a risk, IMO.

    2. Mood Indigo
      Getting a DUI Says NOTHING about a kids ability to play football, or any other sport! To me, what it does indicate is maturity, taking responsibility for his decisions and IMO how his parents raised him. "IF" a kid posses those qualities, doing something stupid, like a DUI, is a wake up call. They know that they "F-ed UP" and take responsibility for it. If not, they make excuses and blame someone, or something, else for it and don't change.

  4. Jones is the least athletic quarterback, last in getting past his 1st read, plus a dui; and that's your pick at 3? C'mon man.

    Saban and Osborne from Nebraska squeeze every bit from their players and that's why they don't do much more in the pros. There's college programs that can recruit and can't coach, and those players go on to have better pro careers. There's other programs that can't recruit but can coach. Both Saban and Osborne do and did both.

    1. Razor
      Right! Rubin Foster being a prime example of Saban and Alabama "squeezing every bit from their players." And I might add, not being busted.

  5. Fields of dreams:

    Air yards:

    Throws past 1st read

    After considerable cogitation :) I've decided to rank Fields ahead of Wilson as the #2 QB in the draft. Has anyone considered that Joe Douglas may be blowing a lot of smoke about wining and dining the Wilson family?!

    1. Douglas is in a tough spot. Whoever he takes will have a tougher road to success than the one who's playing in San Francisco.

  6. The top two athletic QBs at #3 will be Justin Fields and Trey Lance. Both are similar in styles and also have similar body measurements.

    Fields would be a very nice piece for the 49ers as he seems to check all the boxes.
    Lance would also be a good fit.

    Personally speaking, I give the edge to Lance because he seems to be more better than Fields off platform and looks (big for me) to have a quicker pass release than Fields.

    But, at this point everything is pure speculation on our end, and only one thing is certain, we all will have our answer by this time in two weeks.

    1. AES
      * "we all will have our answer by this time in two weeks."
      And there is the answer to "who will the 9ers draft?"
      When Goodell announces his name! And then all the rest of the rhetoric is just hot air and noise!

    2. GEEP,
      I feel you bro.
      Opinions have been swayed over the last few days in favor of Fields, but if Mac and Trey have “wow” showings in upcoming workouts the pendulum could swing back to them.
      It’s a roll of the dice for us, but Shanahan and Lynch may have pegged their guy months ago.

    3. AES
      IMHO...ShanaLynch trade up to #3 to give themselves the option to take the best QB available to them at that sport. That's not to say that they had "OPINIONS" on who they thought was the best QB, but now they had a month to do a deep dive on 4 of the 5 QB's and give everyone from their scouts to position coaches a chance to form an educated opinion and give their input.
      As I've said previously, there's little difference between the 4 QB's and they're all capable of Running KS offense. IMO, the month before the draft give the 9ers organization time to ferrite, to the Nth degree, which one is the BEST. We'll know who that QB is, when Goodell announces it.
      All the "NOISE" about who the 9ers would draft, was just speculation by the sports writers. They get paid to write articles! Facts and accuracy are NOT a requirement and there are NO consequences or any repercussions for being wrong. The long and the short of it is....It's all just click bait.


  7. Michael Silver
    Replying to @MikeSilver
    2) Another of Fields' private coaches is Ron Veal, who has spent 3 months working with him in Southern California during this draft cycle. @rvfc10 is an original staff member of, is heavily involved with, the @QBCollective, which also has ties to the Shanahans...
    5:22 PM · Apr 15, 2021


  8. Michael Silver
    Replying to @MikeSilver
    3) Mike Shanahan attended the first @QBCollective event in 2016 and has been a mainstay. Both Kyle Shanahan and Justin Fields (then a top high school prospect) attended the 2017 event, as did Veal...
    5:22 PM · Apr 15, 2021

    1. GUESS WHAT? Fields agent, agent David Mulugheta, is doing his job. Two weeks before the draft, all this new posative information and data about Filds somehow
      appears, and somehow, all the sports writers are talking about it...
      Likw Scooter said, sports writers are responsible for our opinions of NFL draft prospects. Who'd a guessed?

    2. Fields was always considered the 2nd best quarterback in this draft. Wilson rose up the board with a great year and the Jets will end up taking him. I do like Lance a little more for his quick passing game and upside, but Fields would be a star in this offense.


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