Tuesday, April 6, 2021

2021 Competition Committee and Club Playing Rules Proposals

 During upcoming owners' meetings, clubs will vote on the following proposed rules changes. All proposals must be approved by 75% (24) of the owners to be adopted. NFL clubs will consider and vote on the following Competition Committee and club-submitted proposals.

Competition Committee Rules Proposals

  1. By Competition Committee; to amend Rule 16, to eliminate overtime in the preseason.
  2. By Competition Committee; to amend Rule 6, Section 1, Article 3, for one year only, to establish a maximum number of players in the setup zone.
  3. By Competition Committee; to amend Rule 12, Section 2, Article 4, to expand the prohibition on blocking below the waist by offensive and defensive players on scrimmage downs when contact occurs beyond five yards on either side of the line of scrimmage and more than two yards outside of either offensive tackle.
  4. By Competition Committee, Coaches Subcommittee, and Baltimore; to amend Rule 15, Section 3, Article 9, and Rule 19, Section 2, to permit the Replay Official and designated members of the Officiating department to provide certain objective information to the on-field officials.

Club Playing Rule Proposals

  1. By Chicago; to amend Rule 11, Section 3, Article 3, to ensure the enforcement of all accepted penalties committed by either team during successive Try attempts.
  2. By Los Angeles Rams; to amend Rule 8, Section 1, Article 2, to add a loss of down for a second forward pass from behind the line and for a pass thrown after the ball returns behind the line.
  3. By Kansas City; to amend Rule 5, Section 1, Article 2, to expand jersey number options for certain positions.
  4. By Baltimore and Philadelphia; to amend Rule 16, Section 1, to change the options for winner of an overtime coin toss, and create a true sudden death format.
  5. By Baltimore Ravens; to amend Rule 16, Section 1, to change the options for winner of an overtime coin toss, eliminate sudden death format, and eliminate overtime in the preseason.
  6. By Philadelphia; to amend Rule 6, Section 1, Article 1, to permit a team to maintain possession of the ball after a score by substituting one offensive play (4th and 15 from the kicking team's 25-yard line) for an onside kickoff attempt.
  7. By Baltimore; to amend Rule 19, Section 1, Article 1, to add an eighth official who is positioned somewhere other than the playing field, with full communication to on-field officials and access to a television monitor.


  1. Since Scooter posted his 9er 2021 mock draft, here's mine
    #3: A QB...Any one of the 3. We'll know KS's choice when Goodell announces it.

    #43: Trade down for Northwestern CB, Greg Newsom and an additional 3Rd. Rd draft pick.
    #86: From trade down: EDGE, Patrick Jones, Pitt.
    #102: CB/S Israel Mukuamu, S. Carolina
    #117: WR Simi Fehoko, Stanford.
    #155: WR Marion Williams, UCF
    #172: TE Tre McKitty Georgia
    #180: DT Bobby Brown III, Tex A&M
    #194: C/G Kendrick Green, Illinois
    $230: RB Kene Nwangwu, 6'1" X 210, 4,3 40. (ST p/k returner)

    1. I suppose I can understand why the 49ers would keep everyone guessing up until they are officially on the clock, perhaps the idea is that this way it simply makes it that much harder for their NFC counterparts to maneuver the top half of the 1st round.

    2. That's me who posted the above "Unknown" post. I wasn't finished, set my phone down for a second, and next thing I knew, it published my post.

      Anyways, to finish my point - while I can understand some logic to holding this extremely close to the vest, I also feel like it might behoove the Niners to "leak" their choice at some point prior to draft night. My logic there is that, the last thing they need is to give the league the impression that they don't have a concrete plan after giving up all of that to move up to #3. It could also be perceived that there is some kind of disconnect between Kyle, the scouting team, and the FO.

      I'm not saying they need to let it be known ASAP. It's reasonable to suggest that they haven't finished their "process" of evaluating the 3 prospects who are presumably still options at #3. However, this is the pick of the century for the 49ers, so I would hope that they have been putting most of their resources into evaluating these guys, I mean my gosh, both Mac Jones and Trey Lance have essentially only 1 seasons worth of game film, and I am assuming they've had a chance to have, at the very least, their top scouts watch all 3 of them throw in person.

      I sure hope they make it clear who they are going to draft no later than a few days before the draft. This pick is shaping up to be the pick of the century for the 49ers, so I would hope they leave no doubt that they drafted "their guy".

      Does anyone feel differently about this?

    3. Unknown: I think this was the 9er rational for moving up to #3
      * They knew Jax would draft Lawrence and thought the
      NYJ would draft Wilson. Atlanta at #4 would also draft a QB, with the 9er setting at #12.
      * the Eagles, Lions, Panthers and Broncos were also in play to take a QB, and beyond that the Patriots, Washington Football Team and Bears lurking as teams that could trade up and the 9ers left with no QB to draft.
      * By trading up to #3, they controlled their own destiny and could pick between Lance, Fields and Jones, with no chance of not getting their QBOTF.
      * As JG said, now they didn't have to be as secretive.
      * There is also another factor involved, that no one has talked about...RGIII. The Shanahan's were forced to pick him at Washington and ended up costing both their jobs. RGIII was a "dual threat" QB and was a success, until he got hurt. The same problem KS has with JG. In KS mind, dual threat QB that run the ball take more hits and the result is more injuries. That
      may also help explain why JG would draft Jones over Fields and Lance? There's no way of knowing if it's
      true, but could help explain KS's thinking?

    4. GEEP, it also just occured to me that there could also be another reason why the 49ers have been so secretive about their pick, even though if they know who they want, they really don't need to be. ShanaLynch are presumably close to Robert Saleh. They have a very good relationship with Robert, and by keeping their cards so close to their vest, it seems like they may have helped the Jets tremendously. With Carolina not knowing who the 49ers are taking at 3, they may have felt like their best bet at this stage was to deal for Darnold. Let's say the Panthers really like one of the big 3 - Lance, Fields, or Jones. With the Niners keeping their choice secret for now, the Panthers may have felt that they couldn't count on their guy being available, especially with Atlanta sitting at #4, so they might have felt like their best available option now was to trade for Sam Darnold. They now have Darnold, and that doesn't preclude them from going ahead and drafting their QB at #8, if he does happen to fall past SF.

    5. 49Reason
      You may have a valid point? We'll never know if there was something said, or even a wink between Saleh and someone in the 9er FO...And no doubt it's helped the
      Jets deal Darnold to the Panthers. We also don't know
      how the Panthers see Darnold. Do they see him as a their QBOTF, or a 1 year rental?

    6. GEEP, nice mock. A couple of areas I might quibble over.

      Getting Newsome in round 2, especially after a trade down, would be daylight robbery. Jones in the 3rd would also be good value, but maybe after his pro day he falls a bit.

      One guy I can't get on board with is Fehoko. I just don't see him as the type of WR Shanahan would go for.

    7. 49reasons, are you suggesting that if they don't leak who they are drafting ahead of the draft you will be left thinking maybe they didn't go up and get "their guy".

      Don't be fooled by some of the rhetoric. They know exactly who they want. And there is no need to tell people ahead of draft day.

    8. The rumors are just that..rumors. Here's how I look at it: The 49ers were able to keep the trade quiet until they actually did it. No one was reporting about it before it happened so it proves they can keep things quiet if they want to. That means the Jones story is one of two things, they want people to know in advance they intend to take Jones or nobody knows and speculation is running rampant based on what Shanhan's preferences are believed to be in a QB. Personally I'd go with option two. Doesn't mean they won't take Jones, just that nobody outside that building truly knows what they are going to do.

    9. We already have rumours that their may be daylight between Kyle in his front office. Mainly because the idea of Mac Jones at #3 is such a mind-boggling idea for a large part of the football world, that it's easy to believe that there might be disagreement within the org. That's never a good thing.

      Case in point: I've seen, heard, or read the projected choice from most every single 49ers beat-writer out there about who the 49ers should be targeting at #3, and I've yet to find a single one who thinks that Mac Jones should be the choice, or would be the best option. Why would Kyle set himself up for such ridicule if it doesn't work out, which history suggests is more likely than not to end up happening? That makes no sense to me. Mac Jones is, by no mean, a sure thing. And I am pretty sure that the immediate narrative is going to be that Kyle either thinks he's smarter than everyone else, or worse, that the there was no consensus within the organization which is why the 49ers never revealed their pick, at a time when there's no longer anything to gain by keeping it such a secret. We know that Jax and NY have made up their minds so the 49ers have no reason to fear that a team might move ahead of them.In past history, teams in the same situation have almost always "leaked" their pick, sometimes for that very reason.

    10. Scooter
      RE WR Fehoko: Big 6'4" X 227. A possession/red zone receiver. Physical, outmuscles cornerbacks, and wins out on contested throws and he ran a 4.42 40 at his pro day. Not much RAC and he rounds out his routes. At Stanford he was the go to guy when they needed to move the chains. 2020 season he earned first-team All-Pac-12 honors after racking up 37 rec. for 584 yards! I took him over Auburn WR Seth Williams, as a development WR. I would agree he'll like be available later than #117, but he gives the 9ers something they don't have, a WR with size that can get off the LOS against bump and run CB's and a big catch radius. And he's moving up the draft charts.
      * Agreed, Jones didn't help himself at his pro day.
      * Newsome, Rd #2: Some board show him early 2nd Rd. and some late 2nd Rd. PFF top 300 has him at #60. His
      2020 season, he looks like a Rd. #1 CB. 2019, not so much?

    11. Scooter, from what I've been witnessing on social media, if it really is Mac Jones, it would behoove Kyle to drop that bomb as soon as possible so that the fan base can learn to accept it. I'll tell you right now, if they are really planning on keeping Jimmy for 2021, yet they don't draft a QB who is believed to have the highest ceiling, but may need a year to develop, just as soon as things do start to go south, if they do, the fan base is going to asking for Kyle's scalp! And probably Lynch's as well, even though John doesn't have the final say.

    12. 49reasons, that makes no sense to me. First, you think Shanahan will base his selection on not wanting to look silly or not wanting to be ridiculed. What an awful and stupid basis for making a pick. And honestly, when has he ever made a move based on fear of what others will say?

      As for the "consensus" in the organisation - only conspiracy theorists will latch onto this, and quite frankly, they will do it regardless of the pick. And it won't matter whether they leak their pick before the draft or not. Despite the narrative, do you honestly believe the 49ers made this move without knowing who they want, and having agreement at the top on that player?

      What I find really funny though is that you want them to leak the information, yet are firmly of the belief they haven't as yet because you really don't want it to be Mac Jones!

    13. GEEP, well aware of Fehoko. He's big and fast in a straight line. Doesn't move well laterally. Name the last WR of similar ilk Shanahan has drafted.

    14. Scooter
      He hasn't, and why I said Fehoko is something (WR), the 9ers don't have. I agree with you, he's not the the type of receiver KS would draft...but should. Just my opinion! it's good to have a receiver that can move the chains and keep a drive going.

    15. If they keep this hush hush, and indeed draft Mac Jones, all hell is going to break lose across the fan base. The pick will be met with scepticism, as well as it should be.

    16. Yep, large segments of the fan base will lose it if the team drafts Mac Jones. A large segment of the fan base has decided they know how to scout QBs better than NFL teams. A large segment of the fan base has decided QBs need to be elite athletes to succeed.

      And then, after a few months, the narrative will mostly change to "trust in Kyle". It always does.

  2. What is the set up zone? Rule two by the competition committee.

    Geep, Patrick Jones, good call. Not sure if he last that long though.

    1. Undercenter; Thanks, I'm hoping Jones will be there.

      * "SET UP ZONE: LOS (on off side kicks). The number of players that have to be standing on the LOS, when the ball is kicked.

  3. Does anyone know if it's been reported that Shanahan has yet spoken to either of Fields, or Jones, or Lance?

    1. I don't think anybody knows anything.

    2. I know they have met multiple times virtually with Lance. That's the only one they are reported to have spoken to, but I am sure they have spoken to all of them multiple times by now.

    3. Shanahan also mentioned they were working on putting together another throwing session for Lance and Fields.

      I think it will ultimately come down to Lance or Jones but suffice to say the 49ers had likely already decided who they wanted when they made the trade. They will continue to study the film and talk to the candidates but traditionally when you make a trade of this nature it's for a specific player you have set your sights on.

    4. "traditionally when you make a trade of this nature it's for a specific player you have set your sights on."

      Yep, exactly.

    5. George
      Don't know if it means anything or not, but Nick Sabans said when he talked to the 9ers at Jones pro day, they
      didn't ask him anything?
      * Nick Saban says 49ers didn’t talk to him about Mac Jones at Pro Day. I'd guess it's a little late to be worried about NOT tipping your hand on a player you want to draft?

    6. Scooter, what have you read that would have you believe Mac Jones is somehow a master processor. The talent around him was so good, he never really had to process much. What was he processing, whether his WR's were open by 5 years or 10 yards? I mean, picking up a system quickly isn't the same as processing I formation quickly as things unfold around you.

      He's played what ... 17 or 18 games, and based on that we somehow know that Mac has elite processing skills? Give me a break.

      BTW, elite pro easing isn't necessarily anymore important to Kyle or anyone else. Being accurate, now that's a big deal for Kyle. I'm not saying he doesn't want a QB with elite processing skills, but his scheme is a run heavy, scheme WR's open in space to get them the football so that they can gain those YAC's.

    7. 49reasons, you don't have to look hard to find articles or scouting reports praising Jones for his ability to process information.

      I get it it, you don't like him. No need to try and create a narrative about him that doesn't exist to make your point.

    8. Of course you are 100% right, Scooter!

      I am letting myself get way too invested in who I want the team to pick, and it's causing me to vent my frustrations in ways that are starting to border on irrational.

      For the sake of my mental health, I think I need to take a break from all of this pre-draft speculation in regards to the Niners 1st pick, and let the chips fall where they may. There will be time enough to discect this pick until the cows come home, after the draft!

    9. I completely understand where people are coming from, both in terms of their level of investment (the pick will play a major part in the future success of the 49ers, for good or ill), as well as concerns over certain options. Each of the three most likely options at #3 I think have positives and negatives.

      But I do think many fans are getting a little too triggered by the thought of the team drafting certain prospects (in particular Jones). Not just you - twitter is a cesspool atm wrt potentially drafting Jones. He's nowhere near as bad a prospect as some people are trying to suggest.

      Tbh though, I still don't think your fears will ultimately be warranted. I still highly doubt Jones is the pick. But if he is, I for one will be ok with it.

  4. Mock draft roundup: Schefter says he’d be ‘shocked’ if the 49ers didn’t take Mac Jones


  5. In an interview with Todd McShay, Sarkisian on Mac Jones:

    And then late in the season, Steve said to me, 'I've never given a college quarterback, in all my years of coaching college quarterbacks, I've never given more to a college quarterback than I've given to Mac Jones.' In terms of the installs, and the offense and the freedom that he has at the offensive line. And that's what teams are intrigued by. This guy he can't beat you with his feet, but he's really good in the pocket, he's got great accuracy, and he's probably the most, I don't want say intelligent, but probably the fastest processor in terms of going from first-read to second-read to third-read of any of the quarterbacks in this draft class."


    1. Yeah, this is something that seems to get lost in all the talk about elite traits. Everything I have heard about Jones suggests he is in the top echelon of college QBs in terms of intelligence/ processing. Combine that with good accuracy plus pocket awareness and it is easy to see (for me anyway) why teams would be very high on him.

    2. Yeah, I agree with you Scooter. I know that the 40 yard dash isn't the be all and end all, but I was surprised to see the following regarding the 40-yard dash:

      Lawrence: 4.78 seconds
      Wilson: 4.84 seconds
      Jones: 4.85 seconds

      Of course there is more to it than just speed, but the way people talk about Mac, you'd think he had the 40 time of a sloth.

    3. Further, the point about the installs might really resonate with KS especially if he feels that Jimmy G. limits the plays that KS can call.

  6. All of these ESPN analysts pick Mac Jones to the 49ers.


  7. onexpert,
    You are right, they may know who they want. And it could be someone who is not a QB.
    As I’ve said before, the only two QBs that I would give up all the draft capital for are Lawrence and Wilson.
    Lawrence is a lock to go #1, but there might be something in the works for Wilson.

    But if Wilson is off the board why not give Garoppolo either Kyle Pitts or Chase who look to be can’t miss type players.
    These two have the ability to be on the field on day one. And although I would still be a little queasy in giving up so much for either of them, it makes sense for me because either of them could contribute right away.
    Obviously, the QB has to get the ball to one of these guys, but I’m confident that Garoppolo can be that QB.

  8. "[Kyle Shanahan] didn't ask me a thing. I stood right next to him. I said hi to him. John Lynch too. They didn't ask me a thing. Maybe they thought they weren't allowed to." - Nick Saban discusses Mac Jones' pro day on @dpshow
    — Andrew Perloff (@andrewperloff) April 6, 2021

    Interesting comment by Saban. I don’t know, maybe there is a rule that prohibits NFL coaches from talking to college coaches about a former player of interest.
    But, if there isn’t a rule, then Saban’ comment
    makes the Jones to 49ers even more mysterious.
    23 days and counting for draft. We’ll know pretty soon.

  9. The more I read about the pros and cons of the three leftover QB's, Mac Jones would be the one who I would want (At this point). Also it could be Mac under Mack. Smart QB's that can process info quickly with an accurate arm, that's a deadly combination in Shanny's offense. Can Jones throw deep and what about his release? Okay maybe I am warming up to the trade.

  10. Jack Hammer today on Minshew and Bridgewater:



Gameday Live Week 4: Patriots vs 49ers

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