Thursday, January 6, 2022

Degree In Codology

 Professor Shanny has been teaching a class on how to use the media to force the Rams to prepare for two different quarterbacks. This video was taken by Matt Barrows:

The fact that the 49ers don't normally release these types of videos during the season is your first clue, but damn, it sure is a bloody brilliant act of chicanery! Notice the Cheshire Cat like grin on the face of McDaniel's as he walks by.  


  1. Razor, I have one question for you:

    When was the last time you spent time preparing for something you knew would never happen, at the expense of not preparing for something that you understood would almost certainly happen instead?

    Do I really need to repost the medical repercussions of Jimmy playing on Sunday? Do I need to repost the medical nature of a GRADE 3 UCL "SPRAIN", and why it is so important to immobilize the joint, and perhaps most importantly - TO PREVENT RE-INJURY AT ALL COST?


    The Rams understand that there is less than a 1% chance that Jimmy will start, therefore they AREN'T going to spend time preparing for two QB's. Why would they?

    Believe it or not, the 49ers aren't the only NFL with access to medical doctors! Believe it or not, the Rams actually have their own team of highly qualified medical doctors in house, so they fully understand the seriousness of Jimmy's injury, and they understand the reality of the situation.

    Even putting aside the inheren, potentially catastrophic long-term risks for Jimmy Garoppolo, and ramifications for Jimmy's career moving forward if he does foolishly play (and god forbid RE-INJURES his thumb), the Rams also understand that Kyle would be doing their defense a HUGE favor if Jimmy does play, as their defense will have multiple opportunities to make plays on the football, despite the fact that Kyle would be forced to take the football out of Jimmy hands as much as possible, which also favors a Rams defense. The Rams would love nothing more than to stack the box with 9 defenders, and force Kyle to run his injured RB (Mitchell is still nursing a knee injury, btw) against a stacked box, DARING Jimmy to try to throw the football with a RUPTURED THUMB LIGAMENT on his throwing hand.

    And by the way, there is a massive difference between throwing a football with limited velocity and erratic ball-placement in practice, and a real, full-speed game.

    And just so you know ... having the ability to FLUTTER a football 15 yards to Kittle in practice, without a defender in site, does not make for a good game plan!

    So while McVay & Morris are certainly crossing their fingers and hoping on a prayer that Kyle would be foolish enough to start Jimmy, they also understand that it would be a poor tactical decision to spend time preparing for a QB whom they know is not playing, and would naturally play into their defensive strengths if he plays, they also know how foolish it would be to not prepare to face Trey Lance, knowing that Lance has a better than 99% chance of starting on Sunday.

    So, even though Kyle has shown a propensity for making foolish, irresponsible decisions, mostly due to a lack of common sense and an inability to control his emotions (which causes him to make rash decisions), the Rams 100% understand that there is still ALMOST ZERO CHANCE that Kyle would make a foolish, irresponsible decisions to this degree, knowing the potential ramifications for both the 49ers playoff chances, as well as Jimmy's long term health. And the Rams known darn well that it would also be a foolish business decision on Jimmy's part. Why? - because there is a genuine long-term risk, at least according to every orthopedic surgeon and primary sports medicine doctor on the planet earth!

    On top of all this, the Rams already know exactly how to defend a healthy Jimmy G, so they obviously already know exactly how to defend against an INJURED Jimmy G. So the Rams will prepare for Lance, knowing that they can always make adjustments on the fly, if by 1% chance that Jimmy does foolishly olay on Sunday ....

    WHICH HE WON'T! In REALITY, all this is is a distraction. All this does is make it that much more difficult for Lance and the 49ers offense to focus in on beating the Rams on Sunday, which is why they will probably end up losing, and will need the Falcons to beat the Saints so that the 49ersncan back their way into the postseason.

    Brilliant job this season, Kyle! SMH!

    1. Note to 49Reasons: Stafford played with the same injury!

      Adam Schefter
      Lions QB Matthew Stafford now will have to play rest of season with a glove covering dislocated thumb and torn ligaments, per source.
      6:27 PM · Dec 11, 2016

      Tests revealed #Lions QB Matthew Stafford has a partial tear in a ligament in the thumb on his throwing hand, per sources. They’ll take the week to see how he throws the ball. But Stafford is tough as they come and the expectation is he starts Sunday against the #Panthers.
      6:57 PM · Nov 17, 2020

    2. Nice answer, very concise and to the point.

      People need to stop thinking the NFL is WWF and there are all these storylines...they don't have time for storylines.

    3. Hey Seb...err 49lesions...if Jimmy plays will you shut up and leave the board for the next 12 months?

    4. Too late razor. Dr reasons has already given the diagnosis - nobody can play with that injury. The fact others have is of no consequence.

    5. Razor
      Are you sure you want to use the analogy of Stafford
      VS JG playing thru the same torn ligament and fracture
      to their right thumb?
      On Nov 15th 2020 Stafford suffered a partial tear in a ligament in his right thumb during the Lions win vs. Washington. And yes, he played through the injury in the next games...BUT HE LOST 6 of Lions next 7 games!
      Nov 22nd the Lions lost to the Panthers 20-0
      Nov 26th the Lions lost to the Texans 41-25
      Dec 6th the Lions beat the Bears 34-30
      Dec 13th the Lions lost to the packers 31-24
      Dec 20th the Lions lost to the Titans 46-25
      Dec 26th the Lions lost to TB 47-7
      Jan 3Rd the Lions lost to the Vikings 37-35
      1) Saints QB Brees suffered a torn ligament in his thumb in Week 2 of the 2019 NFL season, and was forced to have surgery that sidelined him for five games.
      2) In 2016, former Chicago Bears QB Jay Cutler dealt with ligament damage in his right thumb, was diagnosed with a thumb sprain. Cutler missed 5 games for Bears.
      3) Spencer Sanders, a QB at Oklahoma St., also tore the UCL in the thumb on his throwing hand late in the 2019 season. He was ruled out for the year after undergoing surgery, but returned over a month later and played in the team's Texas Bowl loss, BUT SANDERS
      4) JG not only suffered a right thumb UCL tear, but also a fracture.
      5) UCSF Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Nirav Pandya gave his thoughts on the injuries Garoppolo is dealing with, and says he'd expect around a 5-6 week absence.

    6. the Lions are as good a team as the Niners?

      You think they'd have lost by 4 to the bears, 7 to Pack, and 2 to Vikings had Stafford not played?

      This is a joke right, you're trying to be funny but falling flat huh.

    7. Whether jimmy can "play" isn't really the point, guys.

      The point is, Jimmy has a ruptured UC Ligament in his opposable thumb on his throwing hand, which mean it will be IMPOSSIBLE for him to be able to grip the football and throw a football like he would normally.

      Whether he can actually throw the football isn't even the biggest question BTW. There are TWO much important questions to consider, that are actually much, much more important than whether Jimmy can can actually suit up and technically play quarterback on Sunday.

      Question #1)


      That's the absurdity of the situation! Take off your fandom and blinders for a minute, and think about what this says about the decision to use a franchise record amount of draft capital in order to move up and BET THE FARM on Trey Lance?

      Whether you guys want to quibble about whether or not Jimmy should have been traded and Trey Lance should have been the starter from week 1, that's a different discussion altogether, because now it's January. So now we are talking about a rookie QB who has had - a full training camp, and 17 full weeks worth of PRACTICES, TEAM MEETINGS, GROUP MEETINGS, FILM STUDY, WHITE BOARD WORK, WALKTHROUGHS, and 16 GAMES W/ 2 STARTS< and everything else that goes into quarterback development, right?

      SO what KYle is essentially telling the world is that, even after all of this, a 100% healthy Trey Lance STILL ISN'T A BETTER OPTION AT QB than a journeyman QB who has never really improved with his decision making, his throwing mechanics, his ball placement, and who no longer has the ability to avoid pressure and extend plays, who has a TORN LIGAMENT IN HIS THUMB! I mean, we've already seen how poorly Jimmy tends to play when he's not 100% healthy, right? It's usually not very pretty.

      Question #2, below -

    8. Question #2)

      Is playing even worth the risk for Jimmy, and is playing Jimmy even worth the risk for the 49ers?

      It's obvious that the 49ers really want to get The 49ers want to get something in return for Jimmy on the trade market. So much so that they have put this above short term benefits, IMO.

      So why would the 49ers risk having Jimmy develop a chronic thumb issue, if they don't want to risk his trade value? And if he plays, and plays poorly, which could very well happen with a bad thumb, how does that not hurt his trade value? It's not like they don't have a better option behind Jimmy now, than they have had a backup QB up until this season, right?

      You see, while Jimmy's injury isn't currently considered serious in terms of his long term prognosis, it could potentially be serious, even catastrophic if he does end up substantially re-injuring the thumb. I don't know why this isn't being talked about more than it is? Maybe it's because every time Niners' beat reporters ask about Jimmy's prognosis Kyle treats them like idiots, the same way Kyle treats the fans like idiots.

      For some silly reason, probably another one of Kyle's shortsighted decisions, Kyle is creating this entire thumb saga on his own accord, and it seems to be counterproductive, maybe not to some fans, but at least in the eyes of people who are able to think critically. And then when the reporters continue to ask questions about this most important subject, Kyle seems almost surprised and even annoyed, or put-out when reporters are, you know, just trying to do their jobs, for crying out loud! SMH!

      Again, I'm not opposed to gamesmanship! Anytime you can gain an edge on your opponent, and use that edge to a competitive advantage, I AM All FOR IT!

      But that's not what this is!

      This is just a silly distraction that makes the 49ers look incompetent, and uncertain in their prized rookie QB. Nobody actually really believes that Kyle is actually going to play Jimmy on Sunday, because the risk is simply too great! Again, all this does is make it that much more difficult for Lance and the 49ers offense to focus in on beating the Rams on Sunday, which is why they will probably end up losing, and will need the Falcons to beat the Saints so that the 49ersncan back their way into the postseason.

      Brilliant job this season, Kyle! SMH!

    9. eMJay "YOURE NOT A DOCTOR!"
      Now that you mention it eMJay, ARE YOU?

      EMJay: " the Lions are as good a team as the Niners?"
      OK, eMJay, I have 3 seconds to waste. Tell us all you know and make an even bigger fool out of yourself....

    10. Dr. Reasons so eloquently stated: (note the word impossible.)

      "The point is, Jimmy has a ruptured UC Ligament in his opposable thumb on his throwing hand, which mean it will be IMPOSSIBLE for him to be able to grip the football and throw a football like he would normally."

      JG is throwing the ball 40 yards and as Kittle said has zip on his throw.

    11. I'm not a doctor, but my understanding is that a key factor determining how stable the thumb is with a UCL injury is whether the thumb was displaced or not (i.e. dislocated). In this case JGs thumb was not displaced, which means he has stability in the thumb. At that point it is really a case of pain tolerance and grip strength. We will see.


    12. Matt Barrows
      The caveat, of course, is that all of these throws are on air, etc., etc. But the fact that he's thrown on three straight days suggests he's on his way to playing on Sunday.

    13. CREEP, the point is no one on this board is a doctor, we aren't in the facility with the staff, Jimmy and Kyle, so we can only go off what our eyes see and what we see is a guy who's thrown 3 straight days at practice.

      Keep telling yourself and your buddy Seb, err Dr. Lesions, that Jimmys thumb is f-ed and he won't play, he can't play , he can't throw...while we all see videos of him doing it at practice 3 days in a row.

      But whats that to you, fake news? Stolen elect...err, starter spot?

    14. eMJay:
      CREEP? Showing your 4th grade play ground insult is VERY IMPRESSIVE, and proving once again....there's no cure for STUPID!


    "Since Week 8, the most explosive passing team in the NFL is the #49ers.

    They lead the league with 40 explosive passing plays (rate of 12%).

    Rams come in 8th, which is ironic because the casual fan probably thinks the Rams’ offense is more explosive with Stafford/Kupp/OBJ."

    1. I'm happy Morris has to prepare for both quarterback route trees.

    2. Mood: "
      "Since Week 8, the most explosive passing team in the NFL is the #49ers."
      AND AS WE ALL KNOW, JG ACCOMPLISHED THAT FEAR WITH A right thumb UCL tear along with a fracture, RIGHT?
      OH WAIT, He did NOT, did he?

    3. So you just choosing not to watch the vids then?

    4. eMJay: "So you just choosing not to watch the vids then?"
      Do you remember what you daddy told you about making ASSumptions?

    5. Are you 12?

      You sure talk like it.

    6. eMJay: "Are you 12?" "You sure talk like it."

      Here's a better question eMJay! Am I the one making the 4th grade play ground insults that make a fool of myself?
      BTW: It's better to keep your insults to yourself, rather than letting your posts prove your a bloviating old buffoon.

    7. You going to challenge me to a fight next?

  3. I'll give you an analogy:

    I don't know how familiar you guys are with my neck of the woods, but imagine you've recently retired after a successful white-collar career as a venture capitalist. You live in a luxurious 4,500 SqFt home nestled within the picturesque foothills of PALO ALTO California, and right alongside of the luxurious Palo Alto Golf & Country Club, on the outskirts of the PAH Open Space Nature Reserve. It's a beautiful, mid-spring 75° weekend day in northern California, and you are in the mood to take one of your cars out for a relaxing drive. You dress on your most comfortable Ben Sherman track suit, slip in your favorite Pierre Cardin Lambskin driving gloves, and open up your spacious 3 car garage, and vivacious deep breath of the fresh, woody Palo Alto air.

    You reach your garage, and you take a deep breath of fresh, woody Palo Alto air, and standing in front of you are your 2 driving choices:

    One of your choices is a newly purchased, 2021 MERCEDES AMG-GT - Twin Turbo V8 Convertible.

    The other choice would be an older, 2013 Audi Quattro S4- 'Prestige' SuperCharged V6 sedan.

    The AUDI Quattro S4 is a nice choice to be sure, although this car hasn't always been the most dependable of vehicles, in and out of the shop with a lot of expensive repairs over the years. But when she's finely tuned, the Prestige package is very comfortable driver, inside and out, and there is just an overall sense of quality in the way it feels!

    It's really unfortunate then ... that the vehicle needs immediate repair! There is a piercing, red, CHECK ENGINE LIGHT - Master Warning Light blinking away on the dashboard, and you are already getting READY TO SELL the Audi in the very near future.

    The MERCEDES AMG-GT on the other hand, oh boy, this car is a completely different beast when it comes to both overall driving PERFORMANCE, as well as overall style and COMFORT. The Twin Turbo V8 engine has an unbelievable amount of horse power in relation to the rest of the drive train, and the tight/responsive suspension makes for a thrilling driving experience! The interior is an absolute work of art, and it fits like a "glove", with an elite balance of BOTH comfort and functionality! And the Mercedes is also new car, and it's only just now getting broken in. but my oh my, the more you drive it, the more you find yourself in a zen-like state of driving bliss, with a sense of COMPLETE CONTROL like nothing you've never experienced before!

    So you grab your lovely wife, and you grab your fancy car keychain, and the only question left is ....

    which set of car keys are you grabbing?

    1. Razor, maybe this analogy is ridiculous in it's length, and obvious conclusion, but it almost had to be, didn't it?

      Jimmy G. does use his opposable thumbs the same way every other Homo Sapien does, doesn't he?

      The ABSURDITY of the notion that EVEN WITH a completely RUPTURED Ulnar Collateral Ligament on the THUMB of his THROWING HAND, Jimmy Garoppolo would still be a better option at QB than playing a 100% HEALTHY Trey Lance, who the team spent a RECORD AMOUNT OF DRAFT CAPITAL on, and who now has AN ENTIRE SEASON'S worth of development under his belt, is ....

      absolutely, positively, overwhelming RIDICULOUS, and just plain STUPID!

      The only thing this ends up doing is making Trey look inadequate, and creating an unnecessary distraction for the 49ers. Nobody takes Kyle seriously with things like this anymore.

      After Kyle tried to act like he was outsmarting everyone on the planet with his Mac Jones Charade, and him saying things like "Trey Lance is too talented not to utilize in some roll during his rookie season", which end up looking like complete BS .... nobody takes this guy seriously anymore.

      The "Offensive Genius" who can't even figure out a way to get his Mercedes AMG-GT out of his garage, despite the fact that his Audi Quattro is inconsistent and undependable, leaking oil all over Levi Stadium and LOSING PRIME TIME GAMES IN EMBARRASSING FASHION?

      Come on, man!

      And now they may miss the postseason entirely?

      And now they have one less season left on Trey's rookie contract?

      And now they won't be able to recoup any of Jimmy's $27M, which could have bought them THE TOP FREE AGENT CORNERBACK on the market this off-season, PLUS more money to help being lock up Bosa and Samuel?

      Kyle = on the verge of failure = fact!

    2. The new car broke down after a mere 65 minutes of use.

    3. Not even a new car, its a kit car, shits not fully built.

  4. Starting Jimmy is like choosing Hara Kiri./
    Cuz playing a QB with a very hampered throwing hand is asking for fumbles and Int's and not professional imo./
    Lot of fans would be really upset.

  5. Hey Seb...err Dr. 49Lesions, you never answered the question. You're so sure Jimmy aint playing put some e-cash on it and if he plays you stay away for 12 months.

    You so sure he isn't playing why not take that?

    1. eMJay: Just curious, but will your wife let you have $100.00 if you lose?

    2. Wow Creep...I mean Geep, how original.

    3. eMJay: "Wow Creep...I mean Geep, how original."

      Ahh poor eMJay...Did I hit a nerve? lol

    4. Sure eMJay, no bet required. If Jimmy plays, which he won't, but if he does, Kyle will be doing the Rams a favor, which he won't.

      But if he does start Jimmy on Sunday, I'll gladly disappear until next season. You have my word! I know that it won't happen, for all of the reasons listed above, so yah, I'll gladly get lost if he does.

      Listen, Kyle is playing this game for one pathetic reason: So that he can use Jimmy's injury as an excuse for the 3rd time in 5 years.

      Everyone knows that using Jimmy's injuries as an excuse again this season, after everything that transpired last season and then during the offseason, is beyond ridiculous.

      There is simply no way that Kyle can possibly use the injury excuse at the QB position again this season, right?

      Yet here we are, it's like groundhog day, and Kyle's setting it up so that he can, unbelievably, use it again!

      And with fans like you, eMJay, who are so blinded by fandom that you refuse to hold Kyle accountable for his career losing record, and quite possibly missing the playoffs for the 4th time in 5 seasons, he might just try to use this excuse every time he ends up missing the postseason.

    5. "Hey Seb...err Dr. 49Lesions"

      Ironically, the poster we used to know as Seb in these parts has developed into quite the JG advocate over on NN

    6. He plays both sides, Seb there, 49reasons here ...feel like Geep is another of his personalities as dude has come to protect his other persona.

      Sadly him saying he will stay away for a year if Jimmy starts feels very shallow as I assume he will just create another persona.

  6. Question. Is KS and Deebo changing the skill set required to play WR?

    1. Nah, as it is limited to really only one guy in the league, he doesn't do this with BA or JJ.

      He's like the new Kordell, aka Slash, no other player ever was as versatile, or used as such. Yeah you had guys who were QBs in college and made the switch to WR, but we never saw a guy taking snaps at WR & RB, as well as being starter level QB.

      Everyone talks about Patterson as some duel threat but dude is a RB, he's played in 4x+ as many games as Deebo but their WR stats are equal, so shows he's hardly a WR threat.

      Most WRs are either too frail to deal with the RB side of this equation, or are too much of a diva to give up snaps at WR.

  7. Unless there is a setback, I believe JG will start the Rams game.

    "Jimmy just looks like Jimmy to me -- same confidence, same throws, same balls, same energy, same everything," Samuel said. "I don't think he took a step backwards ...It doesn't look like to me that his thumb hurts and he's out there doing a good job this week."

    Kittle was caught on video earlier in the day giving some vocal praise to one of Garoppolo's passes.

    "Jimmy's been looking real good, so we've just got to get him to Sunday and it'll be all good," running back Elijah Mitchell said Thursday.

    "He knows he has to be responsible to the football team because all of his teammates have worked blood, sweat and tears to get to this point.

    Its that last paragraph that applies to KS and JG. They owe it to the entire organization and fans to make the best decision for victory. I trust both to do what is best.


    “F—, it hurts,” Garoppolo said Wednesday, via David Bonilla of “I don’t know how else to describe it. It feels like the web in your hand is kind of tearing a little bit. That’s probably the best way I can describe it.

    49ers quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo officially was limited in Wednesday’s practice. His status for Sunday’s game is uncertain because of the thumb injury that kept him out last week.

  9. BTW guys, do you even want to play an injured Garoppolo this Sunday, with the season hanging in the balance?

    I sure don't!

  10. BTW, also, when Jimmy as listed as "practicing" but "limited", that could mean nothing more than throwing 10 or 15 balls on the side. So take that info with a grain of salt

    He's not playing! Mark my words, again!

  11. Rob Guerrera - Niners Nation: "What message are the 49ers sending to Trey Lance of he doesn't play on Sunday?"

    1. "If" he doesn't play on Sunday?

      Answer: Not a good one, IMO! Nor does it send a good message about the organization's belief in Trey Lance, or should I say lack of belief in Trey, to the general public.

    2. "Your time is next year, rookie".

    3. Scooter, just so you know that I am far from the only one asking these questions, here's is an excerpt from The Gold Standard podcast, where Rob Guerrera and Levin Black
      wondered what message the team is sending their potential future franchise quarterback if they chose to play an injured Jimmy Garoppolo instead of him against the Rams.

      "While Kyle Shanahan may not have said too much about the specifics of Garoppolo’s injury, Jimmy has explained quite a bit. From everything he has told us, playing effectively on Sunday is going to be no easy task. In Garoppolo’s own words, they are literally waiting for bones to reattach. What does it say, then, that the 49ers are still considering going with number 10?"

      "There are only two possible explanations. First, the 49ers think Jimmy Garoppolo is so incredibly fantastic that even a severely hampered Jimmy G. is still better than a fully healthy Trey Lance. Considering the fact that the team traded three first-round picks and a third-round pick to select Lance in the first place, this would be illogical."

      "The second explanation is that the 49ers have so much doubt about Trey Lance right now that they think even a severely hampered Jimmy. G. is still better than a fully healthy Trey Lance.'

      "What other explanation could there be?"

      "When a team drafts a quarterback as high as the 49ers did, everything that they do from that point forward has to be about developing that quarterback because it’s the most important position in sports. Yet from leaving Jimmy Garoppolo on the roster, to pulling the plug on the Lance package, to potentially benching him for a lame-duck veteran with an injured throwing hand, everything that 49ers have done since April has been in opposition to that development. The 49ers have held Lance back at every opportunity - even when he’s looked good on the field in limited action."

    4. These aren't my words Scooter, but they may as well be.

      Kyle Shanahan has basically split the locker room in half, just as he has split the fanbase in half, and history tells us that this is never a good thing. Kyle has also effectively undermined his team's chemistry, so is it really any wonder why the team has struggled on the field this season, despite an overwhelming level of talent on both sides of the ball? And is it any wonder that the team chemistry seems light years away from where it was just two years ago, during their 2019 Super Bowl run?

      I'd say no. I'd say the 49ers season is a direct reflection of the flawed way in which Kyle has handled the most important position on the team!

      The 49ers are much more talented than their W-L record would indicate, so there has to be something that is causing them to underachieve for large stretches of this season, right?

      Unless you can come up with a better explanation, and explain why the 49ers 2021 QB controversy is somehow different than QB controversies in the past, and why it wouldn't have the same kind of detrimental effects on this 49ers team that history has proven them to have, time and time again over the years, I'm going with this as being the biggest issue for the 49ers and the biggest reason that they may be on the outside looking in when the playoffs start.

    5. Luckily, I'd still put the chances of jimmy starting Sunday's game at less than 5%, so this may be all ado about nothing. But the fact of the matter is, it sends the wrong message about how the team feels about Trey Lance, and to me, that's just unacceptable after a full season's worth of development, after spending a franchise record amount of draft capital in order to draft him.

      This already reeks of failure, IMO, and I'm not the only one who feels that way!

      The thing is though, that it's BS. Trey Lance is already making the 49ers offense better, after two starts.

      this is really all about Kyle covering his a_s, because what he does. Nothing matters more to him than how he ends up being judged, and the irony is, he's ruining his own reputation.

      The offensive genius who can't even figure out a way to use a dynamic, duel threat talent like Trey Lance, in order to enhance his development?

      Haha, offensive genius my a_s!

    6. Lance looked really good in the second half last week, but bad in the first. And worth keeping in mind the second half saw Lance complete just 6 passes - he wasn't dicing the Texans up all over the place, he had a handful of very nice plays.

      He still misses a lot of reads. He still takes too long to get the ball out. He is a rookie QB.

      In terms of message in the locker room? I am 100% convinced any thoughts this may send the "wrong" message to anyone is purely fan led fiction based on a segment of fans that don't want JG at QB. Lance seems absolutely on board with the idea this is JG's team this year, and his role is to help the team win if JG can't go. Completely on board with the idea of using this time to learn. I'm sure he'd love to be starting, but I am 100% convinced there are no concerns about the "message" Shanahan is giving him.

      And if you want to know what message I think Lance will take away from this? That Shanahan isn't a fairweather coach, that you need to do your time and earn your role, and that Shanahan will have his starting QBs back once the season starts.

    7. That's an interesting take, Scooter.

      First of all, it sure looked like Kyle was again refusing to open up the playbook for Trey in the first half, so it's no wonder the offense couldn't get going. It wasn't until he realized at halftime that he might actually lose the game if he didn't open the playbook up, and let Trey do what he does so well, so it's hardly a surprise, IMO, that Trey, and the rest of the offense ended up winning the game going away, in the second half. In fact, I think it kind of validates what I have been saying, that is that Kyle just needs to embrace Treey Lances skill set, and call plays that work to Trey's strengths, and the 49ers will be off to the races.

      It's also worth remembering that Kyle flirted with replacing Jimmy with a number of different QB's, and even went on a public podcast and admitted to how disappointed he was at not replacing Jimmy with Stafford. So in my opinion, there's nothing fair-weather about replacing Jimmy with the 3rd overall pick, at this stage of the season.

      In fact, I don't know how you consider replacing an underperforming QB who has a torn ligament in his thumb joint, and who's inconsistency, even when healthy, has continued to hurt his team throughout the season, a fair-weather decision?

      I mean, Kyle had no problem protecting Jimmy Garoppolo all throughout the 2019 postseason (until he no longer could in the Super Bowl), as Jimmy threw EIGHT TOTAL PASSES in the NFC Championship game, and the 49ers still ended up winning that game in dominant fashion, so tell me again why he can't do the same with his prized rookie?

      Seems hard to fathom, which is probably why Kyle has lost so much support among the fanbase this season.

    8. I mean, Jimmy does have a torn ligament in his throwing hand, Scooter. Don't you think that's a valid excuse not to okay him?

      That's the point. It's that Jimmy had a serious injury on his throwing hand and Kyle is still acting like he'd rather play Jimmy rather than the young QB whom the team mortgaged the future for, and now has a full seasons worth of development (a full training camp and 16 games, including 2 starts) under his belt?

      The biggest question isn't whether Jimmy might be able to tough it out and play against the Rams.

      The biggest question is how Jimmy would still be considered the better option at QB despite a severely compromised throwing hand, when we've all seen how poorly Jimmy tends to play when he isn't 100% healthy.

      Don't you think?

    9. It wasn't about opening up the playbook in the second half. They actually attempted more passes in the first half. And it wasn't a case of more expansive pass plays being called either. The difference was Lance hit a couple of big gainers in the second half, while he missed opportunities in the first.

  12. Imagine for a minute, how this offseason plays out if Kyle starts Jimmy Garoppolo over Trey Lance, despite a severely compromised throwing hand, and Jimmy ends up costing the 49ers another game like he did against the Titans, and the 49ers end up missing the playoffs?

    That is a catastrophic outcome for what has already been a rocky season, for Kyle and John, IMO. And if that happens, we are likely to see a lot of changes within the Niners hierarchy during the offseason, and it should start with stripping Kyle of all personnel decisions. Because, if this happens, after an already tumultuous season, it's a clear sign that Kyle is in way over his head, and has way more on his plate than he can obviously handle!

    1. I mean, this is the same a head coach who actually said no to Tom Brady, who wanted to finish his career with the 49ers for a mere $25M per year, on a two year deal!

      Holy he_l, are you kidding me? Just let that sink in your head for another season, lol.

  13. Did you guys read Kyle's comments about going for it on 4th down, and how he applies, or should I say DOESN'T APPLY because he doesn't doesn't believe in analytics when it comes to situational football decision making?

    This is so typical of the way Kyle's brain works. Remember earlier in the season when the 49ers looked absolutely lost trying to play in the pouring rain, while the Colts barely even seemed bothered by the same elements? And that Kyle admitted that he doesn't do what every other team in the league does in order to prepare for wet, rainy conditions?

    It ends up that Kyle doesn't believe in WET BALL DRILLS, when preparing to play in the rain. And do you guys know why Kyle doesn't believe in wet ball drills? It's all about Kyle projecting his own "experience" when he played in wet weather as an armature athlete, when he was in college. It's hard to believe that an NFL HC would simply use his own experiences as an armature athlete, to influence the way he prepares his team, despite the fact that it's already been widely accepted around the NFL that practicing wet ball drills in the lead up to playing in those conditions can be VERY beneficial for a football team, but that's the way Kyle's brain apparently works.

    And here we go again, only this thing with completely disregarding analytics, is more about Kyle thinking he doesn't need to use the 4th down analytics chart, or I would assume the 2-point analytics chart, because he's apparently SMARTER than everyone else, including BASIC MATHEMATICS.

    This is so typical of Kyle thinking he's the smartest human in the history of mankind!

    Shanahan was asked during his radio appearance if he goes off "The Chart" on fourth downs (meaning does he trust what the percentages tell him about the situation), or if The Chart is more of a situational thing.

    Actually, it turns out THE CHART ISN'T SOMETHING KYLE THINKS ABOUT MUCH AT ALL, at least during games.

    "I'll say I've never heard what The Chart says at one time during the season," Shanahan said. "I do not believe in absolutes in football because there's too many variables. So whatever the percentages are, it's all about one time. I always compare to blackjack. If I'm playing blackjack, I will always double down on eleven, but it's because I'm going to play for an hour and eventually the odds will come out that way, supposedly. If you go for it every time on 4th-and-1, eventually you should get it more than you have. But I don't look at it that way.

    How does Kyle look at it? Well, apparently he's so smart he sees EVERYTHING, ALL AT ONCE, LIKE SOME KIND OF SAVANT -

    Kyle continues: "Who's the three-technique? Who's blocking him? What's the weather? Who's the quarterback on the other side? Can we kick a field goal? All that type of stuff. Do I feel the momentum? Whatever my gut is. There's so many things that go into it."

    This guy is just too much. He is so full of himself, that he truly believes that when it comes to mathematics, neither ARCHIMEDES, nor SIR ISAAC NEWTON, had anything on him!

    Kyle doesn't believe in basic math. Unbelievable!

    It's no wonder the 49ers are so much worse at converting 4th downs, than just about every other team in the league!

    What are we going to find out next about Kyle Shanahan? That he's a FLAT EARTHER who doesn't believe the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, because that's not the way he remembers it when he was a child?

    SMH, I wouldn't be surprised one bit!

  14. does this guy 49ereasons get paid by the word? just asking, he is exhausting

    1. At least he's not jock strapping Jimmy King of the inconsistency and Kyle the prophet who has more losing seasons than winning seasons cuz he put to much faith in his qb room./

    2. One would think. It's more him just enjoying jerking himself off thinking his opinion is actually worth any of our time. Literally 80% of the posts are him rambling on and replying to his own rambles...dudes got multiple personalities, and probably multiple user accounts...feel that Seb and Geep are two of them.


    the Rams have fallen from second to 16tn in Football Outsiders’ opponent-adjusted offensive efficiency metrics in the 2nd half of the season, and from 3rd to 20th in the passing game. That's not how you want to enter post season!

    Stafford has been the primary issue of late.
    In the first half of the 2021 season, Weeks 1-9 Stafford was the NFL’s most efficient quarterback. He completed 219 of 321 passes (68.2%) for 2,771 yards (8.6 YPA) for 23 TD's, 6 ints and a league best passer rating of 111.0. But from Week 10 through the Ravens game last Sunday, Stafford’s numbers have fallen off several cliffs. He’s completed 164 of 248 passes (66.1%) for 1,877 yards (7.6 YPA), 15 touchdowns, nine interceptions, and a passer rating of 93.8, which ranks ninth.

    Stafford’s last 3 games are of specific concern, though the Rams won each of those contests against the Seahawks, the Vikings, and Ravens. From Weeks 15-17, he completed 68 of 101 passes (68.3%) for 750 yards (7.4 YPA), 5 touchdowns, 6 int's and a passer rating of 80.9. Those 6 int's tie him with Mike Glennon of the Giants for the league lead, and anytime you’re in a statistical barrel with Mike Glennon, that ain’t good.


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