Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy Medium

 The Trey Lance era 2.0 begins this Sunday. The game he started against the Cardinals was a measuring stick on where his development was in its infancy. The game he starts against the Texans will be another measure on how much he's been able to improve in 12 weeks. This will also give us a measure on the coaching staff's capabilities to prepare and develop for the inevitable. After all, the main reason they made this trade according to management was due to Jimmy's injury history. They got a wake up call in week 5. Let's see if they came up with any answers.

The trick for Lance and Shanny will be to strike that happy medium between pocket passing on schedule, and allowing for some of that "backyard" ball. Establishing the run won't change. That's the foundation of the offense, but I hope to finally see the classic deep out; 20 yards to 18 on the come back along the sidelines. A play that is virtually unstoppable if timed and choreographed with the wide receiver properly. That's the throw that's been MIA. That's the throw I'll be looking for this Sunday, and that's the throw, if made consistently, can take this offense to the next level. 


  1. I'm sorry but, here we are at 11:48 AM on Friday, and Kyle STILL hasn't announced Lance as the starter!

    What is wrong with this guy? Why pretend like playing Garoppolo with a ruptured ligament is a better option than a star rookie? I just don't get this! Kyle is handling this exactly the WQRONG WAY! There is no big advantage of keeping this secret because everyone knows the game plan is to run the ball 40+ times on Sunday no matter who is behind center! SMH!

    Why not use this opportunity to shout about Lance being the guy, and how fortunate they are to have Lance as our back up for exactly this reason?

    1. To be honest, I feel kind of sorry for Trey in that way. I feel sorry for him that he doesn't have a Head coach who is more enthusiastic and supportive in a way that could promote self-confidence for the dynamic 21 year old QB!

      Kyle needs to take some classes to understand how the brains of normal athletes work, and why it's important to project confidence in these young athletes, even if it feels a little over the top.

      That's MUCH better than this wishy washy nonsense that Kyle is currently projecting, which suggests that he has ZERO confidence in his rookie QB, whom the team mortgaged the farm for!

      SMH! LAME!

    2. I think at this juncture, based on all the moves the team has made this week, it is clear JG isn't playing and they didn't really think it is likely he would play. I suspect the narrative in team HQ and with Lance was Lance would be the starter all week. The JG narrative just for the media to make the Texans consider whether they dedicate all their week to one QB or plan for either.

      Tbh, all HCs do this. Sean Payten did exactly the same thing this week.

    3. And by moves this week, I mean (a) adding a QB to the PS, (b) having 1st team offense face 1st team defense, and (c) elevating Sudfeld to active roster today.

      Actions speak louder than words.

    4. That's right, Scooter. Those three moves removed any doubt.

    5. OF COURSE Jimmy Isn't starting guys! The nature of a GRADE 3 UCL SPRAIN pretty well determined that FIVE days ago, so why the charade? That's my question.

      What good does this silly charade do, other than look uncertain? It's absolutely ridiculous!

    6. I know Jimmy isn't playing!

      I've been posting about the severity of the grade 3 ligament sprain. That's a COMPLETE RUPTURE, BTW. Just so we are clear!

    7. The ligament is literally torn, and that almost always causes the part of the bone that connects to the ligament, to separate from the rest of the bone.

      This is the kind of injury where you understand right away that the QB is NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO GRIP THE BALL PROPERLY for about a month, maybe a more or a little less, and is at risk of re-injuring the thumb ligament for longer than that!

      But Kyle thinks we are all idiots who don't understand sports injuries!

    8. Jimmy has a GRADE 3 UCL Sprain (severe) with an Avulsion Fracture: "The ligament is completely torn or is PULLED OFF IT'S ATTACHMENT to the bone. These are significant injuries that require medical or surgical care. If the ligament tears away from the bone, it may take a small chip of the bone with it, and this is called an avulsion fracture."

    9. Does this sound like an injury to a QB whom you'd want to ride into MUST WIN GAMES with?

    10. It serves to create doubt in the opponent... both this week, and much more importantly, next week. Who do the Rams prepare for now?

      If you stop looking at every move with the lens they are morons doing everything they can to undermine Lance, you may surprise yourself and see there is some sense to what they do.

    11. As I said, what they are saying in the building and to Lance is likely different to what they tell the media.

    12. Also known as a SKIER'S THUMB, a Grade 3 UCL Sprain with Avulsion Fracture is described as:

      "An ACUTE injury to the Ulnar Collateral Ligament. When a skier falls with his or her hand caught in a ski pole, the thumb can be bent away from the hand. Because of the shape of the ski pole, the thumb tends to get caught and significant stresses are placed on the ulnar collateral ligament. If the thumb is bent far enough, the ulnar collateral ligament will tear. The severity of this injury is described as grades. A GRADE 3 Sprain is considered the most severe, and can just as easily be called a RUPTURE, OR COMNPLTE TEAR of the UC Ligament. This does not necessarily describe a ligament that is at least partially torn, and patients who sustain UCL tear typically complain of severe (acute) pain and considerable swelling directly over the torn ligament at the base of the thumb. Patients will often have a very difficult time GRASPING OBJECTS or holding objects firmly in their grip. Because this injury is commonly seen in athletes, they may complain of difficulty holding a tennis racket, swinging a baseball bat, or throwing a ball (football). Patients usually experience significant instability of the thumb, and are at high risk of reinjury (particularly the MCP Joint at the base of the thumb) until fully healed."

      "A patient with a full tear usually requires surgery, while a PARTIAL TEAR - if the thumb is not too loose - can be immobilized using a CAST or SPICA (a modified wrist splint) for a period of FOUR to SIX weeks. Only by immobilizing the damaged ligament can healing take place, while also protecting the thumb from further injury."

    13. All they need to do is put doubt in their opponent's minds. There is literally no benefit telegraphing who will start in the media.

    14. Scooter, for mine it's more about sowing doubt in the Rams' minds and not so much the Texans'.

    15. Absolutely. That's exactly what they are doing imo. Likely a must win game against the Rams. Force them to plan for both QBs.

    16. HAH, oh come on guys! Seriously? Do you really think the Texans are preparing for the possibility of Jimmy playing this week? Come on man! You do realize that the Texans do have actual medicaL doctors on their payroll, right?

      Kyle isn't fooling anyone! If I KNEW JIMMY WASN"T PLAYING, and you knew Jimmy wasn't playing, you can be damn sure that the Texans knew it! They may be hoping and praying that Jimmy will play, but they have been preparing for Trey all week, and Lovie has already talked about that, and what they expect from the 49ers offense with trey behind center -

      Lovie Smith: “I think he started earlier and he played a half of an earlier game, so we have some video of him. We kind of know exactly what type of player we’ll be playing. There is a difference between he and Jimmy, but we like to think our defense is flexible enough. You get in a game and kind of see what an offense is doing and if you need to make adjustments you kind of do it from there. He has a different skill set. He’s more of an athletic quarterback, strong arm. We’re playing a lot of those high draft picks that have great futures ahead of them, we just hope it doesn't really start this week.”

      The only thing this does is project a lack of confidence in Trey. That's it. That's the public narrative among the fan base and sports world, no matter what Kyle tells Trey in private. And if Trey plays well enough to win, and the 49ers win, everything will work itself out. The problem is how the narrative will evolve around Trey if he struggles. If he struggles, the narrative will be this kid is nowhere near ready to lead this team, because Kyle basically told us as much prior to ruling Jimmy out at the last minute despite the fact that he has a TORN THUMB LIGAMENT on his throwing hand!


    17. And BTW, this doesn't just make the fan base question whether trey is even close to being ready, it also makes the organization look like a circus! I'm embarrassed by the way this has played out as are plenty of other Niner fans!

    18. My gosh guys, the JIG WAS UP after Jimmy's agent reached out to Schefter and Rapaport, for crying out loud.

      You guys can't be this gullible ... can you be?

    19. You will never see any other possibility because you are convinced they are incompetent. Honestly, it is now at a point it isn't worth engaging with you. All you do is rant.

    20. And no, the Rams won't be preparing for Jimmy either. They also have actual medical doctors on their staffs!

      Come on guys, Jimmy is DONE!

      HE HAS A TORN UC LIGAMENT and AVULSION FRACTURE on his throwing hand!

      There might be the slightest, outside chance that Jimmy could come back and play if the Niners get out of the wildcard round, but then you have to ask yourself ... if they get out of the wildcard round, why wouldn't they just stick with Trey at that point?

      This just makes Kyle look pathetic and desperate!

    21. OK Scooter. Fine. I'll keep an eye out for Jimmy this Sunday.

      I am sure that the Texans and Rams are trembling in their shoes with thee thought of facing an injured Jimmy G, because lord knows how well he plays when he's injured!

      I am sure that the 49ers Head Coach not having any faith in his young backup QB won't give the Texans or Rams any added confidence, or any significant psychological boost ahead of their matchups. SMH!

    22. Dude, come on, I am not saying JG will play. And it isn't about making opponents quake in fear. It is abpit not giving them surety they shpuld plan for either QB. Zero benefit to making that call clear in the media. Two massive games coming up and they should try and get every advantage possible.

    23. Maybe you are right. Maybe all of these medical journals are wrong about Grade 3 UC Ligament "sprains".

      Maybe Kyle Shanahan is actually an old warlock, or wizard, and he can wave a magic wand over Jimmy's thumb to heal it in miraculous fashion?

      That could happen. You never know, right?

    24. Gah! That's not what I'm saying! Stop with the straw man arguments FFS!

      I should have taken my own advice. You are impossible to have a rational discussion with because you are so blinkered. I'm out.

    25. Scooter, neither the Texans or Rams are worried about an immobile QB who has a torn ligament in his throwing hand.

      Surely you know that a healthy Trey Lance is always going to be more dangerous than a Jimmy Garoppolo with a torn thumb, so why would lovie prepare his team to "possibly" face jimmy, with this kind of injury, when the niners have a weapon like trey Lance waiting in the wings?

      I don't get it?

      Why wouldn't it be better for Kyle to act like ... "Yah, Trey's playing, and we don't don't think you can stop him" be a better approach?

      Do you really think an injured jimmy is a better option than a healthy Trey, when the 49ers are going to run the football at least 40 times, regardless of who plays QB?

      It's just not the way the NFL works. Lovie Smith has been coaching defenses for 41 years, for crying out loud!

      Do you think Kyle is really going to trick lovie into preparing for Jimmy in this situation? It's tomfoolery?

      Nobody is saying he needs to declare Trey Lance the starter moving forward, Scooter.

      Just that Kyle needs to show some confidence in his young QB for once in his life!

    26. You watch.

      Trey lance is going to look like a QB who doesn't have any confidence in himself, and is afraid to make any kind of mistake for fear of validating the narrative that he's nowhere near ready!

    27. and if the 49ers can't run the ball against the Texans cover 2, and run it down their throats, we have bigger problems than an injured Garoppolo!

    28. The real problem is that Kyle hasn't prepared trey for this moment. That's the real problem! trey has been on ice for most of the season. Why would he be much more prepared this week, than he was week 5, being that besides these last 4 days, all Trey has been doing is running the scout team.

  2. * "What is wrong with this guy?"
    * "Why not use this opportunity to shout about Lance being the guy?"

    Here's wishing you a happy new year VENTING about KS. LOL

    1. Cheers, GEEP!

      Happy New Year!

      Here's to putting this year's crap behind us, wiping the slate clean, and coming back stronger than ever in 2022!

  3. This ought to be a super heavy Play Action run / pass, 40+ handoffs to RUNNING BACKS / rushing attempts, with a few designed rollouts to the right, getting Trey out in space.

    This is not rocket science!

    This is another game, even more than last game, where the 49ers just need to not beat themselves, in order to win the game comfortably, because unlike the Titans, the Texans are absolutely horrible at stopping the run!


  4. KS was hoping to finish the season with Garropolo and not get fired for betting the future of the franchise on an unknown quantity--Trey Lance.
    If TL shows little or no development now that he's starting, KS will be to blame. Has anyone else noticed that the OT the Niners gave to Tampa Bay via a stupid trade made all-pro in his second year.

    1. The Trey Lance plan was to red shirt his first year. That's always been the plan, and they've been consistent throughout.

      Good on Tampa but we already had the best LT in the league and maybe of all time. Someone needs to ask Cohn and Hammer whatever became of the great Trent Brown. You know the one they had fitted for the gold jacket. Lmao!

    2. Having a great left tackle doesn't help much if your right tackle is playing on roller skates. Wirfs is a right tackle. His rookie season he played every snap and only allowed one sack. Some observers thought he played at an all-pro level that year (which would have been his senior year at Iowa if he hadn't opted to go pro.) The Niners knew their all-pro LT was retiring and hadn't yet made the deal to pay a fortune to fill the LT position. Wirfs was available for rookie money (and had played some left tackle in college.) There is no way to defend that stupid trade. Drafting Trey Lance may turn out to be an even bigger bone-head move. We're going to find out soon. KS was hoping to put it off until next season, not knowing himself whether Trey Lance was just a flash-in-the pan.

    3. We had a RT in McGlinchey. Just because you say it was a stupid trade doesn't make it so.

    4. Btw, assuming the 49ers get the opportunity, I'm looking forward to seeing Bosa vs. Wirfs. Should be a good matchup.

  5. Regardless of who the QB is the Niners need 30 + points to win. When they score 30 points, they are controlling the ball and keeping the defense where it should be off the field. The 30 points is an indicator that things are going really well. When it's less then 24 pt.'s the Niners are struggling offensively thus the defense is being exposed for what it is.

    If Lance is QB I will be looking at mental mistakes from the offense, such as penalties, dropped passes, players not knowing their assignments...

    1. No regardless about it. Trey Lance will start.

      I expect the timing to be off, but I'd like to better accuracy. I've noticed in practice he's already tightened up that throwing motion, which is a big deal as far as I'm concerned.

    2. ...but I'd like to *see* better accuracy.

  6. Razor
    "The game he starts against the Texans will be another measure on how much he's been able to improve in 12 weeks.

    Absolutely true, but It's also a measure of KS's ability to:
    A) Evaluate the talent of college draft prospects.
    B) Develop a rookie QB he's responsible for drafting.
    C) Make rational Decisions on draft capitol to give up, to
    move up for draft prospect(s).
    D) most importantly, if KS ego gets in the way of making the
    right decision on who his stating QB should be.

  7. Best wishes and a good health for the new year guys.

    49Reasons at least we get our wish that Trey starts against the Texans so lets be happy bro.

    And lets hope that Shanny has a good offensive plan for Trey so this means more play action and a lot more under center.

    Trey Will have some rookie bumps but my gut feeling says it will be more matured than the usuall rookie mistakes.

    And why? Because he has the attitude and preparation to succeed.

    So lets unleash the Treyminator offense!!!!!!!

  8. Robber
    "Treyminator!" I do like the sound of that! Lets unleash the Treyminator offense!!!!!!!
    And I second Razor. "Thanks and same to you and yours!"

  9. With Bosa going up against left tackles, I doubt if they'll switch him over to take on All-pro right tackle Wirfs. It would be a good matchup, as you say--Bosa is as good as it gets in edge rushers.

    1. Bosa plays where he wants. Lately it's been about 50/50 on either side with some inside rushes thrown in.

  10. If Bosa can play where he wants, he'd pick the left tackle to go against rather than Wirfs, where he'd likely get neutralized. The goal is to get a sack, not to get neutralized.


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