Friday, December 17, 2021

Ford Recall

 I expect the 49ers to cut Ford with a post June 1st designation, which will split the dead money fee from the prorated signing bonus between 2022/23, thereby reducing the 2022 cap fee by $4.9 million to $9.5 million. That would leave a $4.9 million cap fee for 2023, but save the 49ers $2.4 million in cap fees for 2022. 

It may be that Ford comes to the realization that his time has run out on his back and he hangs up the cleats. I think that's what would be in his best interest. He had a good run and there's no way we make the Super Bowl without him, but in the future; it's a cautionary tale for GM John Lynch. 


  1. I have agree, it's in Fords best interest to hang up the cleats! Unfortunately, players don't always do what is best for their health and well being.

    Assuming you're correct, and the 9ers do release Ford with a
    post June 1st designation. Do they draft an EDGE rusher with their 2nd Rd draft pick, to replace him?

    1. It's a pretty deep class at the position. I got a round 3 sleeper in Isaiah Chambers out of McNeese St.

    2. Razor
      I would agree it's deep EDGE class. I didn't know Chambers had left Houston, but I see he did....
      * If 9ers pick CB RD #2 I like Derion Kendrik,Georgia
      * If 9ers pick EDGE RD #2, I like Logan Hall, Houston.

    3. I don't understand how this works. Isn't it in Ford's best interest to stick around and collect the money? If he can't play, then he is just rehabbing while collecting a big paycheck. He'd probably be doing some kind of rehab/physical therapy anyway if he was retired. Or is that not how it works.

    4. cubus
      If you have access to the ATHLETIC, read David Lombardi's article
      * Dee Ford is done for 2021: Here are the 49ers’ contractual options

    5. Ford will get his money regardless of whether he decides to retire or not. I'd be shocked if he ever suits up for the 49ers again. My point about retirement was more geared towards his quality of life moving forward, and declining another opportunity that I'm sure another team would provide for him if he were able to pass a physical.

    6. Cubus, it's no longer cost beneficial for the 49ers to keep him around, and bottom line is ... the NFL is a business first.

      Plus, there's a salary cap, and limited roster space, so why would the 49ers spend an additional $2.4M next season, plus tie up another roster spot, when they would be lucky to get 15 TOTAL snaps from this guy throughout the whole season.

      DEE FORD used to be an elite pass rushing force, but he needs to retire. Chronic spinal injuries tend to do that to a football player.

  2. It's too bad, and at some point we need to calculate how much money Dee Ford made PER SNAP, right?

    At the same time, impossible to call this signing an abject failure because Dee Ford played a strong role in helping the Niners to get the Super Bowl, and there is considerable VALUE in that alone.

    At the same time, you have to question this entire transaction. How did this guy PASS A PHYSICAL? The 49ers were apparently happy enough to OVER PAY for a player who was obviously AT RISK for developing Chronic back problems (spinal), after having already missed nearly a full season (2017) with what now appears to be the same injury, only more advanced!

    This signing seems pretty straightforward to judge - All we need to do is calculate how much money Dee Ford made on a per snap basis, plus the cost of giving up a 2ND RND pick, and then subtract the cost beneficial to Ford's short term impact, which helped propel the 49ers to winning the NFC Championship, and coming minutes away from a SIXTH Lombard Trophy!

    All things considered, it's probably a WASH!

    1. The doctor that did the surgery on his back didn't even want to perform it if he was going to continue his football career. I'd say he overcame the odds to have a few good years and a hefty bank account to take care of the back issues that will arise throughout his life moving forward.

    2. Yah, that's seriously dicey!

      Razor, do you know if Dee Ford fought his way back from the injury because he really wanted to play again ... or was it a cash grab?

      He did end up with a COUPLE more good years (2018/2019) and the 49ers ran over the NFC on the way to almost winning a Super Bowl, so I can't say it was a bad signing. At the same time, without question the 49ers did end up grossly overpaying for him if you calculate the cost on a per snap basis. I wouldn't go as far as to call it a white collar crime, but Dee Ford did make out like a bandit in the night, and all I can say is that you can't knock him for robbing the 49ers blind.

      Besides ... the 49ers are the ones who were ultimately responsible for losing track of his medical records pertaining to his pre-trade physical. How do documents like that just disappear without a trace? Who really believes those copies were only stored on a computer thumb drive, and not an actual hard drive?

      Oh well, what's done is done! It's not my money!

    3. I think after you make so much money all that's left is how much do you love to play the game? His willingness to gamble with his health would seem to suggest he had a deep love of the game.

  3. Have you checked out John Smith out of Holy Cross? He's a db I got an eye on too.

  4. Razor
    I have Smith's name on my sleeper board, but I haven't had time to drill down into his stats. Do you have a feel for the Rd # you think he'll be drafted at?

  5. Mitchel shut down for Sunday and probably Thursday also.

    1. Niners may need the Ferrari back next year to pair with the McLaren since one of the two may be in the shop at any given time during the season.

  6. Jimmy G is the fastest among Niner QBs to throw for 10,000 yards. He did it in 43 games, one less than Jeff Garcia.

    Bobby Bowden once said that on his gravestone would be carved: "He played Miami" (I think it should be "Wide Right"). Jimmy's would probably read something like: "He would've been a contender had he figured out the 1 Robber".


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