Wednesday, April 21, 2021

When The Smoke Is Going Down


No combine. No private workouts. No problem for the 49ers. Shanny controlled some of both, Fields' and Lance's second pro day by having them perform plays the 49ers like to run in practice. In a normal year these pro days would typically not mean much, but this year their value has increased exponentially. Some of the strategy involving this move up might have related to what happens to a players stock after their pro day? In the case of a player like, Lance you would assume it could skyrocket. Meeting him in person your first impression would be how big he is. How thick his lower body is. Seeing in person, how live his arm is, and the way it jumps from his hand. How the ball is out when his back foot hits. Talking with him and finding out how smart and dedicated he is. All these things could have meant the price to move up on draft day for him would have cost us even more. Did the 49ers target, Lance all along when they moved up to #3? Maybe.

Meeting, Jones at his pro day I would not be impressed with his size because he's about the same size as Jimmy. His throws weren't impressive either. I don't see his pro day as having the same significance or positive effect that maybe a Fields' or Lance's does. For that reason, I feel the 49ers could have safely assumed that Jones' stock would not have increased on draft day, and they could have moved up to #6 for him at a much cheaper price tag. Let's say one extra 1st round pick instead of two. I think it's becoming apparent to me that, Trey Lance will be the pick and that he might have been the target all along. I hope this helps those who have been hit hard by, the Jones virus.


  1. " I think it's becoming apparent to me that, Trey Lance will be the pick and that he might have been the target all along. I hope this helps those who have been hit hard by, the Jones virus."
    Unless of course, it is Jones! Then your reassurances, meant to remove any doubts and fears, will only make it worse.
    FACT: No one outside of the York family, JL, KS and perhaps one or two people in the 9er FO knows who they will draft and they're NOT TALKING. The rest is, at best, speculation.
    The rest of will know who the 9ers moved up to draft pick #3, when the fat lazy sings. (The FAT LADY being Goodell).
    Having said that, it is fun to speculate, as long as you don't take yourself too seriously, and you enjoy the ride.

    1. ** The rest of us will know **

    2. I've admitted there is a slight chance that the 49ers do go with, Jones.

      I've been adamant through the process that he will not be the pick, and I haven't changed my mind.

    3. Ooh, a gotcha moment on that last thread, hah GEEP?

      I'm sorry you don't know the difference between AM and PM, GEEP, but I can't say I'm surprised.

      As for the DUI, I have no idea where you got the idea that I think Mac Jones should be blackballed by the NFL for making a mistake as an 18 year old kid. Apparently I still haven't made myself clear. My problem with Mac Jones is almost entirely about how much draft capital the 49ers are giving up in order to move all of the way up to 3, in order to potentially draft a QB who has what most people believe is the 5th best prospect, and has the lowest ceiling of the top 5 QB prospects in this class. That's a completely separate point than what his DUI might tell us about his mindset. I am not even getting into the obvious racial bias of how the DUI has affected his draft stock, but in my book, a DUI while using a fake ID does add additional risk. I'm not sure how that's a controversial take.

      I've also given Mac Jones a hard time for looking completely out of shape at his pro day, not because I care how he looks in a bathing suit, but because that's also a red flag for me, especially if replacing Jimmy G has anything to do with an ability to stay healthy. Again, I don't know how that could be a controversial take.

      As for Scooter pulling my chain and making me look the fool ... I've got more news for you, GEEP, there are like 15 people on this blog. I think my reputation will remain intact. And BTW, I am always one to enjoy getting the last laugh, so don't you worry about that.And don't worry about calling me out for making one more post (and this re-post), GEEP, this one will be my last.

      Peace out, and GO NINERS!

    4. Well, I for one hope you stick around 49reasons. If anything I said offended you I do apologise - the intent wasn't to offend or ridicule, but to defend my own position. And you have basically been calling me an idiot for my position that Mac Jones is a good QB prospect for the past two weeks.

    5. Well, I certainly have to reply to you Scooter, especially if you're feeling that way.

      Of all of the people I've conversed with on 49ers and sports blogs over the last few years, you would be one of the guy's whose opinion I probably value the most. Not only that, you've always been a gentleman about things, so I absolutely apologize to you Scooter, because if I've given you the impression that I think you're an "idiot" for believing in Mac Jones as an NFL prospect .... well then I realize I've clearly taken this subject way too personal.

      Same goes to you GEEP, and anyone else who I may have offended as a result of my frustrations.

      I want you guys to know that I do realize that there is a certain subjectivity in evaluating NFL talent, and maybe, just maybe, I have an inflated sense of my ability to evaluate prospects.

      I don't think I'm wrong about the top 5 QB prospects of this draft class, but I have been wrong about my share of NFL prospects before. And like I said, I do know that, when it comes to the draft ... anything is possible.

      And maybe that's why I am so frustrated about this entire process ever since the 49ers traded up a few weeks back. We all know that there really is a certain amount of luck when it comes to drafting players. We all know that there are certain unknown factors that simply cannot be accounted for when projecting how well a college player will handle the jump to the next level. And for me, that's where the idea of drafting a player who most "experts" believe has the lowest NFL ceiling, makes the least sense, given the cost. If you're going to give up a king's ransom in order to move up and draft a QB, and you know that, no matter how much time you spend evaluating this QB, there is a certain level of randomness and luck when it comes to "hitting" on this pick, why not take the player with the highest ceiling? For me, that's a lot like the analogy of "playing not to lose", as opposed to "playing to win". And we all know that playing not to lose, is more often than not, a very good way to find yourself on the losing end of a game you would likely otherwise win. I would think by now, Kyle Shanahan, of all people, would understand this concept.

      Giving up 3 firsts and a 3rd, in order to "play it safe", is a very good way to find yourself wishing you had either stayed at #12, and taken the BPA (hoping maybe one of the top QB prospects fall to you) or had the guts to swing for the fences, after giving up an absolute fortune to move up 9 draft slots.

      So, knowing that it's likely a crap shoot anyways, and with Jimmy G. already penciled as the 49ers starting QB in 2021, why wouldn't you go for the QB who likely has the best chance at developing into an elite NFL QB, rather than the guy who a strong majority of high-level scouts believe may be most ready to start as a rookie, but who's physical limitations make him the consensus - least likely to reach elite status, of any of the top 5 QB prospects in this class?

      Thanks again Scooter, and to you, and the rest of you guys, again, I apologize for being a little on the rediculous side in taking this WAY too seriously, and acting like the fate of the entire world is resting on this pick.

    6. Thanks 49reasons. Really glad you have joined us here. And here's hoping for your own sanity and health that Jones is not the pick!

    7. 49Reasons
      "Ooh, a gotcha moment on that last thread, hah GEEP?"

      Really? That's the best you can do, a "gotcha moment?" Does AM or PM change the fact you've spent the past couple of weeks obsessing about Mac Jones, His DUI, his "BEER BELLY" and "OUT OF SHAPE BODY," and how you're "DONE WITH HIM," but then regurgitate the same complaints (insults), over and over, day after day?
      You have, in fact, made yourself perfectly clear to me and everyone else on the blog, how you dislike Jones and his "beer belly" and how his "BODY" proves he's not serious about training, or playing football. Correct me if I'm wrong, you're the one that said you've "gone down the rabbit hole" on Jones and you're also the one that for the past couple of weeks filled ~50% of the post on the blog about how you dislike him.
      You've even called into question KS competence, if he dares to disappoint you by drafting Jones.
      OH and BTW, thanks for the you "don't give a F about what I think. Real class. DID I HIT A NERVE?

      49Reasobs: "My problem with Mac Jones is almost entirely about how much draft capital the 49ers are giving up in order to move all of the way up to 3, in order to potentially draft a QB who has what MOST PEOPLE believe is the 5th best prospect, and has the lowest ceiling of the top 5 QB prospects in this class. That my good man is an OPINION, YOUR OPINION, not a fact. WHILE You're entitled to your opinion, your not entitled to make up facts to suit your opinions.
      I always laugh when someone claims to have "X" number of people who support their opinion, but don't name who those people are. you know like, fifteen "ANONYMOUS" people support me, but I can't tell you their names? And BTW, you and your 15 anonymous supporters opinions are based on what you've (and they), have heard the "OPINIONS" of sports reporters,
      Since we know the 9er FO in NOT leaking info on who they intend to draft, please explain how YOU, your 15
      supporters, or the talking heads know who they're going to draft? One more FACT! You don't, it's nothing more than speculation. Speculation that's rocked your boat and made you sea sick.
      Yea, peace out. Now there's something we can agree on.

    8. Yah, me too. And thanks to you, and the other guys for hosting this blog. You guys are doing a fantastic job, even if there is this one guy who seems to be posting obsessively, lol.

      I do think the best thing for me to do is take a break from posting until after the draft, unless Mac is the pick, in which case I'll probably need a while to process the pick.

      I mean, I haven't even finished my first 49ers mock draft yet. That's how hung up I am on this first pick. In all of my years following the draft (35+) I've never been this obsessed with a pick, and I've never been so hung up on a pick that I've barely given much thought past it. Given the core talent the Niners already have (including Jimmy G., although I'm not sure how long that's going to last), and 9 picks in tow, including the 3rd pick overall, the Niners really have an opportunity to put some serious distance between themselves, and the rest of the NFC West.

      If it is Mac, I'm not sure how long it will take me to come to grips with it, but I bleed scarlet and gold, so at some point before September, I'll have to suck it up and deal with it.

      But like you said, for my health and sanity (the latter of which seems to be slipping a bit), here's to hoping that Jones isn't the pick.

      Whatever happens, I'm hoping for the best, so CHEERS, Scooter .... and GO NINERS! I'll be back.

    9. Hey GEEP, I did offer an apology to you, so I hope you caught that.

      First off, my analysis always starts with my own two eyes. Secondly, when I refer to the "experts", I am talking about current and ex-players, current and former NFL scouts, college scouts, current and former coaches, and actual bonafide NFL analysts. So I wouldn't refer to them as "sports reporters".

      But Like I said, I've allowed this pick to become way to personal, and even though I do think I'm right about my analysis, only time will tell.

      As for Mac Jones, yah, crashing into cars while drunk driving and carrying a fake ID, that is a red flag for me, as is his "beer belly". It doesn't make him a bad kid, but all of these things have to be factored into the process, and I don't know why more people aren't talking about it, other than the obvious racial bias, of course. In fact, I think you are kidding yourself if you don't think these things would be having a bigger drag on the draft stock of Justin Fields or Trey Lance, if they had a felony in college, and turned up for their pro days out of shape, so yah, it does make me a bit angry, but I'll just leave it at that.

      Anyways, I am sorry for getting personal with you, GEEP, I do realize my obsession with this first pick has gone way too far, so I am checking out for a while.

      Catch you all later,

      Go Niners!

    10. Also, before I check out of here for the next 9 days at least, I do want to respond to how you characterized my criticism of Kyle Shanahan.

      I've been on record questioning his ability to evaluate talent for a while now. And when I say talent, I mean offensive skill players in particular.

      That said, I'm also on record praising him as an X's and O's guy, and his ability to call plays. I've also praised his ability as a HC and motivator of men.

      I think Kyle has already proven himself to be one of the best, if not THE best Offensive Coordinator in the NFL. I think he has already proven to be the kind of HC that players not only want to play for, but are also willing to run through a wall for. So do I think highly of Kyle Shanahan? Heck yes I do.

      I think Kyle is one of the very best Offensive coaches and head coaches, in the entire NFL ... with one caveat - personnel decisions. When it comes to personnel decisions, that's not something he's proven to do well, and all you have to do is look at how he's handled the QB position in terms of personnel, as a HC. It hasn't been pretty. The one guy who has had success at QB during Kyle's 4 seasons as HC, is Jimmy Garoppolo, who basically fell into his lap. And Jimmy can't stay healthy, which is why Kyle is still looking for his franchise QB going into Kyle's 5th season as a HC.

      I mean, Brian Hoyer, CJ Beathard, and Nick Mullens? CJ Beathard in the 3rd round? Nick Mullens - a UDFA backup Kyle kept on the roster FOR 4 YEARS? No bueno! That's all I'm going to say about Kyle's track record selecting QB's as a HC.

    11. So excuse me if I don't necessarily trust Kyle to make this pick at QB.

      Of the QB's I know for sure Kyle has identified as "his guys", none have even come close to panning out as a HC.

      And GEEP, Josh Rosen and Nate Sudfeld are the two most recent signings? I mean, really? I don't know, bro!

      Seems like a bit of a Red Alert! Red Alert!

      And BTW, maybe you know the story of RB JOE WILLIAMS out of Utah, but if you don't know the RB, this is the guy Kyle identified as the RB he really, really wanted and actually even pounded the table for, even though he did this against the advice of John Lynch and others, then check it out. Ends up that Joe Williams was actually a fantastic "fit" from a skill set perspective, IMO, just not from an "intangibles" perspective, something Kyle apparently completely blew off, and we know how important those intangibles usually are. It also ends up they are often MORE important than the skill set, and more determinative on success, IMO, and separates a lot of athletes from football players! If a guy doesn't seem to love playing football more than anything else in the universe, above anything else in the universe, his chances to succeed in the NFL are hugely diminished, and he's
      probably NEVER going to cut it in the NFL.

      So yah, I do have questions about that, as do others. It's the only thing left to question about Kyle, and it's real, and until he answers this question, it will continue to be asked.

      And, OH MY, I can only imagine the narrative if Kyle goes completely against the grain and takes Mac Jones. Yikes! And I don't want that because I absolutely love having Kyle & John running my 49ERS! But if they blow this ... oh boy, I am not even going to go there again!

      OK, that's it. Catch you all some point after the draft.

    12. Also, just so you guys know I have more in my life than 49ERS football, I'll leave you with this question as I check out for the next 9 days ...

      Can you guys believe STEPH CURRY has taken his game to a whole different level, at age 33? What we are witnessing this season is sports greatness at the very highest level, and I love it! Watching this guy shoot is simply nirvana, just absolutely mesmerizing!

      Alright, that's it I promise,

      Peace, out!

    13. 49Reason:
      We've had discussion in the past, so I know you're not a fool, just obsessing about something that may, or may NOT happen, so why wrap yourself around the axel about a hypothetical situation that you've admitted is affecting your health? And just so you know, If the situation were reversed, and you were NOT direct with me, I would be disappointed that you didn't think enough of me, to be honest and tell me how you felt, that I was, as you put it, going down the rabbit hole!
      I'd like to think that it helped you come to terms with your state of mind and expect you would do the same for me.
      BTW: If you stop blogging, about Jones, I'd be disappointed in you. Just keep it real!

    14. Right on, GEEP! I'll be back.

      Cheers, bro.

  2. To me it's concerning that Lance only has 319 pass attempts at the college level and 113 passes in high school.

  3. I’m still of the mindset that the 49ers will pick Wilson at #3 after the Jets take Fields.
    Hopeful thinking? Perhaps.
    But in my world, Wilson is the only QB worthy of the 49ers big move a few weeks ago.

    Does this mean that a pre-draft deal between the 49ers and Jets precipitated the 49ers giving up so much real estate to get the #3 pick?
    Well, in 8 days I will either say “I told you so” or find myself breaking my teeth on crow, lol.

    1. AES: I agree with your assessment/wish and have said so a number of times. However, you mention a "pre-draft" deal between the 49ers and Jets. What are you referring to?

    2. Cubus,
      I have no proof of a deal between the 49ers and Jets. It’s pure speculation.
      It only hinges on if Wilson falls to the 49ers, it (at least for me) justifies the 49ers giving up all the draft capital.

    3. You’re probably right Razor.
      But do you honestly believe that either Fields, Jones and Lance justified giving up as much as the 49ers did?

      Only three players are worthy of making the move the 49ers made.
      Lawrence, Wilson and Watson.
      Lawrence looks like a lock to go #1. Watson may have hurt his chances with his off-field issues. That leaves Wilson as the lone player worthy of a move to #3.

    4. Looks like the 49ers disagree with you, AES.

    5. As I stated in my article, AES in order for this trade to make any sense to me it has to be for either Lance or Fields. Fields has been the consensus behind Lawrence for the 18 months prior to, Wilson's fantastic year. Lance would be vying for, the first overall pick in 2022 if he didn't come out this year. You don't make this trade if you like, Jones because his stature and performance are not going to wow anyone at his pro day. The only way for justification is if it works. Short of that it will go down as either the kiss of death or lady luck's smile.

    6. Razor/Scooter,
      I have checked out many mock draft sites which have Wilson going to the Jets, but have yet to see a commitment from the Jets.

      Are the Jets unequivocally locked on Wilson?
      As a longtime football fan I’ve come to know that anything could happen on draft day.

      Here’s a question for you guys. If the Jets select Fields, who would you draft, Jones, Lance or Wilson?

    7. C'mon, AES. You know I'm a Wilson guy before he became the media darling. I'd love nothing more to see Wilson run Shanny's offense.

  4. For me its not concerning Cubus, more important is the talent,the drive,and the toughness.Till this he didn't had the additional qb training that Fields and Jones had for years and that you see how much he improved in such short time that's almost ridiculous.
    Hé doesn't even know how good he will be.
    Its all the goofy way with with him and everythings come to him and he prepares like a big pro athlete.

    1. I am not questioning any of the talent. Talent in any field needs time to develop. It makes me wonder if Lance wouldn't be better served with another year at the college level.

  5. Not sure what to make of this:

    "Quarterback Justin Fields has shared some medical information with teams ahead of next week’s draft.

    NFL Media reports that Fields has informed teams that he is managing epilepsy. The neurological condition can cause seizures and is usually treated with medication, although different cases can call for different medical approaches.

    Per the report, Fields has not been affected by the condition on the football field and that his symptoms have been less frequent in recent years. Other members of Fields’ family have outgrown the condition in their 20s and doctors believe that could be the case for Fields as well.

    Those are promising signs for Fields’ future health, but teams are still likely to have a few questions to throw his way before deciding about using a high draft pick on the quarterback."

    1. The timing of its release should tell you what to make of it.

    2. I'll just note that it was Fields who released the information. It's probably nothing to be overly concerned about given that his family members have outgrown the condition.

    3. Just seems suspicious timing to me. Evidently this information has been known to teams for quite some time. I doubt it has much bearing on his draft stock.

  6. Interesting that Urban Meyer is stating that Shad Khan is going to make the decision on who the Jags will select with the #1 pick.

  7. I've been under the belief it will be Lance for awhile, and nothing has changed for me to change that belief.

    Imo the 49ers preference order will be Lance, Jones then Fields.

  8. I’ve thought all along that Jones and lance are the 2 possibilities at 3 for the Niners. It’s Just based on what I’ve read of other people’s opinions. I still feel the same way. Apparently both are very smart and are at the top of the heap on their mental skills. The difference between them is mostly that Lance has the best physical skills and Jones has the best accuracy skills. I can’t wait for the draft to find out which one is selected.

  9. Wayne Gallman has been signed by the 49ers.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I liked him coming out. Still think they need to draft a rb no later than the 3rd round. Should be in this order unless they think, Gallman is Coleman:

      I just think Wilson and Mostert are complimentary backs that should be coming off the bench in relief. I don't know that Gallman changes my mind. Maybe it does theirs.

    3. Agreed. Competition for camp and potential depth guy.

    4. @Razor
      I do not see Niners drafting a RB earlier than 5th round, if at all. There is no value in doing so.

    5. Mood, Big Shanny drafted one in round 2 by the name of Portis. It's that time again. Both Wilson and Mostert are complimentary backs. Better coming off the bench. They need a young Coleman. If you look at every starting rb across the nfl, none is less than a 3rd rounder. The analytics say you need to draft one within the first 3 rounds to get a good one. Not to mention he'll help out the rookie qb.

    6. Sure, Kyle also drafted Joe Williams in the fourth round. After that disaster and a different one with McKinnon, I'm guessing they have learned their lesson and will instead delve into the FA/UDFA for fast, one-cut RBs to stock the stable. There are probably several young, talented FA RBs who could benefit from a change of scenery/system like Gallman.

    7. The lesson is the Terrell Davis' of the 6th round are an anomaly.

    8. Khalil Herbert. Definitely gives me Davis vibes (obviously something of an exaggeration, but he plays that type of style).

    9. Terrell Davis may be an anomaly, but there are Mike Bells and Mike Andersons and Selvin Youngs available in rounds 6 or later whose production matched those drafted higher such as Olandis Gary and Reuben Droughns-- all in the stable of Shanny The Elder.

      Bobby Turner is always going to take the committee approach and so there will be no $10M RB under Kyle. Sure, Niners could reach a stage where they can use the services of a second round RB for 4 years and then move on to another one. Don't think they are there yet.

    10. Must be why they were planning on taking Harris at 12 if they had stayed put.


  10. Ian Rapoport
    · 8m
    The #49ers are signing former #Raiders pass-rusher Arden Key to a 1-year deal, source said. More depth with some upside.

    1. I can only assume Ronald Blair's knee did not check out.

      Key is basically a replacement for Dion Jordan. Depth guy that will compete with Willis and whoever they draft.

    2. Awful price to pay for such a spectacular play on Russell Wilson.

  11. The NFL just eased up on the Jersey numbering restrictions.
    Deebo Samuels is contemplating going to a single digit number.

    1. Hopefully he's paying more attention to off-season conditioning than jersey number. He cannot afford another 2020 situation.


  12. "I'm hearing it's Trey Lance," Eisen said on Wednesday. "That's what I'm hearing now. I'm hearing the kid is supremely talented, physically, and neck-up, smart. And also, (he) really wants to learn. Already talking to people, knocking on doors, (asking), 'What can I learn now?' That's what I'm hearing. I'm hearing he's proactively searching out the individuals that evaluate to find out what's up."

    Eisen added with a smile: "I'm hearing it might have been Trey Lance all along. How about that?"

    "Highest ceiling out of all of them, built like a linebacker," Eisen said of Riddick's comments. "I'm hearing it's (Trevor) Lawrence (at one), I'm hearing it's (Zach) Wilson (at two), and that is that. And then all I'm hearing is Trey Lance."

    1. This is definitely my own confirmation bias at play, but this doesn't surprise me in the least. What I have been thinking for the past few months - he would blow the team away in zoom meetings and his film shows a player that is an elite QB physically and does a lot of the nuanced, mental and pocket side of QB play well. Just needs to improve his accuracy, and I'm thinking the team feels confident from his pro days and talking with his private coaches that this is already in train.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. When the 49ers don't draft, Jones how far will he slide? My advise would be not to sit in the green room. Maybe just stay home?

    1. Saints. That, to me, is the furthest he falls.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Scooter: I'm reposting this.

    NFL film analyst Alex Rollins on Trey Lance:

    “You do see it consistently where his feet aren’t necessarily tied up with what he’s looking at and there are some wild inaccuracies, even on easy throws. Especially on the play-action bootlegs to the flat, I could make a cut up of five or 10 throws where he’s just missing it. They’re as layup as layup throws can get, so that’s definitely where I see some of the worry. Just the consistency, especially on the easy throws, that’s where I’m worried about him.”

    "The writer of the article then follows up with this statement:

    The entire lure of Kyle Shanahan is having a young offensive coach who can draw up plays to get receivers wide ass open, to quote Bruce Arians. When you pay the iron price that the 49ers paid to move up nine spots in the draft, does it really make sense to take then a guy that neutralizes your greatest strength because of wild inaccuracies on easy throws?"

    I haven't watched a lot of film on Lance, but based on what I've seen I agree with Rollins. And I'm not sure that this can be easily fixed. When the bullets start flying, players revert to what is subconsciously programmed. On the plus side he is quite young so there is a chance this can be fixed. But based on the team giving up so much draft capital, I have a hard time getting on board with the idea that we might have to wait around 3 years for this improvement.

    One caveat though: It's unclear how he would play at this moment because he only played one game last season. It's possible he has already improved considerably in this area.

    1. I give up. This post is intended as a replay to Scooter just above. This site can at times be very difficult. It would be nice if it would allow for editing rather than forcing posters to delete and then repost to clean up small mistakes.

    2. Yeah, I've seen that, thanks cubus. Rollins and Kurt Warner had a good discussion about him. Marrying his eyes to his feet and keeping his eye level more constant threw the motion (by keeping his base lower) are two key avenues to improving his mechanics and thereby accuracy. And a large part of the reason for these issues is the lack of formal QB training he has received throughout the years, imo. I suspect a lot of these issues are ones that Quincy Avery/ Sean McEvoy have been working with him on over the past few months.

      It is definitely a concern, not trying to gloss over it, but I do think it is fixable for a player with the right attitude.

    3. One thing I've noticed about fans - if a QB misses "layup" throws they can be merciless. Lance will need to have a tough mentality and unwavering belief in himself.

  16. I suppose if I had too pick from the three, Lance appeals to me more then the others just for the fact he is less experienced. Might be easier to mold into Shanny's version of who is the who of the modern QB. I will say whoever Shanny picks, has the best chance of success in the NFL.


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