Monday, April 19, 2021

Greg Cosell: “There is not one coach [that would] draft a QB based on his ability to run around”

By Scooter_McG

Matt Maiocco recently interviewed Greg Cosell of NFL Films to talk about the 49ers choices at QB. It was a great interview that provided some excellent insight into each of the QBs strengths and weaknesses, as well as how to scout QBs and what are important traits at the QB position.

A summary of the interview can be found here:

I also recommend listening to the full podcast on 49ers Talk with Matt Maiocco and Laura Britt.

One of the things Greg Cosell stressed, and in fact repeated during the interview, was that the ability to run around and extend plays is not something that NFL coaches prioritise in drafting a QB, and that pocket skills remain the most important trait for a QB.

When discussing the three QBs the 49ers are most linked with (Fields, Lance and Jones), Maiocco raised Jones’ lack of athleticism as a potential concern, and this was Cosell’s response, “You have to decide what’s impressive at QB, and Mac Jones to me raises the question that I think a lot of coaches, I know a lot of coaches because I spoke to them, are debating in their minds, and that’s what is the balance in today’s NFL between pocket play – being a highly efficient executor and ball distributor, which Mac Jones was in college – and the need for second reaction improvisational play, which Mac Jones will not give you.”   

He followed that up with one of the quotes from the article linked above, “I have not spoken to one coach who will say that you draft a player based on his ability to extend plays,” Cosell said. "Coaches work 16, 17 hours a day and put in a structure to attack an opponent. And they want that structure executed. If you can’t execute the structure of an offense, you can’t play quarterback in the NFL.”

Earlier in the interview, Greg Cosell had this to say, “QB is a subtle, nuanced, disciplined, crafty position. Even though we have gotten very much caught up these days in the idea that QBs need to be able to make improvisational, second reaction plays, that’s not how the position is taught or coached, and there’s not one coach that you would speak to today that would tell you that ‘I would draft a QB based on his ability to run around.’”

Not one coach.

I find this interesting given how many 49er fans think the pick at #3 must be a player with the elite athleticism to provide those “improvisational, second reaction” skills.

Here was another insightful quote from Cosell, this time when discussing the weaknesses with Fields and in particular his high sack totals, “There’s two things that should not happen unless the defense demands that it happen, and these are two things that have almost become accepted in the QB lexicon now. Number 1: You should not move, unless the defense demands it. Number 2: You should never throw the ball off platform, unless the defense demands it. And yet these are two things that we talk about now as if that’s the way to play the position, and it’s not the way to play the position.”

While the quote came while discussing Fields, it was more a general comment about the QB position. And it was spot on – the success of QBs with mobility has seen many casual football observers shift their thinking to believing it is a necessary trait for success, and therefore is one of the most important traits for a QB. As Greg Cosell said in this interview, NFL coaches disagree. While Cosell acknowledged that coaches debate how important improvisational skills are, the ability to work from the pocket remains the all important trait, and the one they scout for.

When asked by Maiocco which QB Cosell thinks best exemplifies and demonstrates the skills necessary to excel as a pocket passer and pass with anticipation, Cosell’s response was immediate, “Mac Jones is the best at that. More QBs than not in college football are what I would call “see it, throw it” QBs.”

“Mac Jones has a lot of really good traits. He’s got a very good sense of anticipation and timing. He’s got a feel for manipulating the defense. He can move in the pocket a bit – he’s not mobile but he can move in the pocket. I thought that he had a very good feel and understanding for zone coverage concepts, he could throw into zone windows. I thought he was really decisive.

“I thought he threw the deep ball pretty well. Thought he was willing to turn it loose, which I think’s a positive. Clearly they ran NFL route concepts and combinations at Alabama, saw the field well. So there’s a lot to like about Mac Jones.”   

Now it is important to understand that Greg Cosell was not suggesting Fields or Lance won't be great, or can not be great pocket QBs. But what was clear was that Cosell thought Jones was the superior of the three when it comes to the all important pocket traits right now. 

There was a lot of wisdom in Greg Cosell’s comments in this interview. I suspect most 49er fans don’t want to hear it though.


  1. I dont think Cosell watched Trey Lance or Zach Wilson in the pocket

    1. Robber
      Besides the fact Lance only played one game in the
      last 2 years, that his film is littered with examples of his throws not being accurate and playing for NDSU,
      a school that plays against players, that for the most part, weren't capable of playing in the SEC, please explain to me why he's NOT the biggest risk of of all the QB draft prospects, for being a bust in the NFL.
      Don't believe me? OK, let Kurt Warner explain it to you! The same Kurt Warner that's forgot more about being an NFL QB than the rest of us will ever know.
      * From Kurt Warners mouth, to your ears...

  2. I feel for you Scooter. Trying to be the voice of reason for an unreasonable choice?

    PS, even Cosell doesn't seem convinced that Mac Jones makes sense at 3.

    I'll believe it when I see it. Until then .... I won't.

  3. Cosell should look at this especially @9:37

    This is something Jimmy G or Mac Jones cant do, only Lance and Wilson.

    You need a qb who will win the SB not a qb who only can reach a SB.

    Its not cuz Mac Jones is a pocket qb that he is Tom Brady,Peyton Manning or Drew Brees no those guys are special Mac Jones isnt.

  4. Mac Jones is Jimmy G, only without the quick, compact release. Why give up all of that for a poor man's version of Garoppolo? Come on man!

    1. You keep believing that. You're in good company with the majority of 49er fans.

      I still think it will be Lance. But I am now at a point where I will just laugh so hard if it is Jones. The reaction by 49er fans will be hilarious. 🤣

      The main takeaway from this interview I got was how much it resembled what Shanahan himself has been saying, which again most fans have, imo, misinterpreted. He's consistently stated pocket skills are the most important thing. Consistently. The athletic traits are nice to have, and if you find an excellent pocket QB with good athleticism you've struck gold. But first and foremost comes executing from the pocket within the structure of the play. And none of the QBs in this draft did that better in college than Jones, no matter how much it may gall you.

    2. Do you really think that massive dissapoinent among the 49ers fan base would be "funny"?

      How funny will it be when Mac is out of the league in 3 years time?

    3. I think it would be hilarious, because I fully believe he would be very good in this offense but most 49er fans will be losing their minds. And then once he starts playing well, watching 49er fans backtrack and try and claim they always wanted him will be even funnier!

    4. The data shows Mac Jones falls apart under any kind of pressure, and he lacks both athleticism and arm strength.

      Can you imagine how well that will work in the NFL?

      Good luck painting that with a rose colored brush! Talk about bust potential!

    5. Half of those throws he made before his WR's weren't actually open, will be INT's at the NFL level. Just because he was throwing to guys who could almost always make a play in college, doesn't make him a good pro prospect.

      He'll never make it in the pros, even under Kyle. That's my honest opinion.

  5. Your right 49 Reasons, KS and JL had enough examples that the offense was limited by the qb especially on our SB run cuz we went run happy if we had a Mahomes,Allen or Rodgers we would have got the SB.
    I say it again what Mac Jones can do in the pocket that can Zach Wilson and even more Trey Lance also but with a big advantage the athleticism and off platform throws.

  6. I'd give Mac Jones a 1 in 8 chance of having success in the NFL, with his limited skill set.

  7. What should be in consideration for KS is the his dad MS worked with 3 of the qb's of all time Joe Montana,Steve Young and John Elway and that JL played against them should be major factors in this.
    Also worked with notable qb's Donovan McNabb and Jake Plummer.
    He has to identify what they have in common that made them winners and imagine who of Wilson,Lance,Fields and Jones has traits of them or has the most chance to develops some traits.

    I will list what i like:

    1: IT factor- everyone recognises you and know you are a big factor in a game.
    2: Mentality-first one in last one out,want to be the best.
    3: Poise- the ability to stay calm in the pocket when there is a lot of defensive pressure and not get raffled by it.
    4: Arm: touch, accuracy,velocity,strength,ability to change speed/trajectory.
    5: Surgeon: you need do lead a offense like a Surgeon a steady hand who orchestrate a offense to make the opponent miserable.
    6: Extend plays: would be a combination of pocket présence know how to manoeuvre up and down, and elusive athletic ability to Extend.
    7: Leadership: Rattles your troops vocal or by example as long as they follow you but that's more natural.

  8. Think about Kyle's legacy. Who would bet their career on a QB with limited arm strength and zero athleticism, in 2021?

    That kind of decisions deserves ridicule. We won't know for a couple years how it's going to turn out, but if I were Kyle, I wouldn't bet my entire legacy on drafting Mac Jones, that's for sure!

    While I have agreed with you on Jones, that he's more than capable of running KS's offense, your last sentence, IMO, defeats your argument.

    * "The main takeaway from this interview I got was how much it resembled what Shanahan himself has been saying, which again most fans have, imo, misinterpreted. He's consistently stated pocket skills are the most important thing Consistently." "The athletic traits are nice to have, and if you find an excellent pocket QB with good athleticism you've struck gold.
    1) I'm not convinced that "most fans have, imo, misinterpreted that." Indeed, IMO most fans would agree that pocket skills are the most important skill a QB needs to be successful in the NFL. But as you stated in your last sentence, ""The athletic traits are nice to have, and if you find an excellent pocket QB with good athleticism you've struck gold."
    * While I don't agree with 49Reasons on Jones, the point he's making is, he'd rather strike gold than Iron Pyrites (fools gold).
    * As i told 49Reasons, Jones is living rent free in his head. But to be honest, I believe you're both beating a dead horse. We'll know who KS thinks is "HIS" best QB, when Goodell announces it. Until then, it all just NOISE! Now we're left with arguing about, is it white noise, or pink noise? Pick your color....

    1. GEEP when I say I think a lot of fans have misinterpreted Shanahan's comments, I mean a lot of fans have taken his comments to mean he now views the ability to move and extend plays as an important, must have trait. I highly doubt this is the case (he wouldn't have signed Sudfeld if it was), and while he may now have a greater consideration for such a trait I believe it is still something he sees as a luxury, nice to have trait.

  10. Yes, pocket passing is the most important trait a QB can possess, even in 2021. But who can guarantee Mac Jones can even do that, given how poorly he played when he faced any kind of pressure in college, and played on an all star team?

    And given that's about the only thing he might be able to do, that's a tough bet to make after giving up all of that draft capitol.

    Plus, the kid has a DUI while using a fake ID? Did he not realize he was putting his entire career in jeopardy, or did he just feel entitled?


    1. 49Reasons: "But who can guarantee Mac Jones can even do that, given how poorly he played when he faced any kind of pressure in college, and played on an all star team?
      * Seriously 49Reasons? So WHO was the Alabama QB that won the national title? Apparently, not Jones!
      That comment is an insult to any intelligent football fan. It's not only demeaning, but makes you look small and your arguments insignificant. The NFL has players that beat their wives, but an 18 Y/O freshman that gets a DUI (and a beer belly), can't (in your opinion), can't make it in the NFL? You're bias is showing dude, and it DOES NOT make you look good.
      Do you really think KS gives a tinkers damn what you think? You're beginning remind me of Seb with that kind of foolish comment. Give it a rest and stop insulting your own intelligence.

  11. Would the 49ers deserve extra ridicule if they draft another kid out of Alabama with a history of "off-field issues", in the first fricken round, especially if he ends up getting himself in trouble, just like Reuben Foster?

    Heck yes they would!

    That's a crazy risk in itself, if you ask me!

  12. Mac Jones simply cannot be the calculated bet!

    Not now, not with this team, and not with these coaches!

    1. 49Reason
      Be careful you don't slip and fall off that rooftop your on....And the moon isn't even out!

  13. IMO, anyone who thinks Mac Jones is worth 3 first round picks, and a 3rd rounder, don't understand how the league has evolved in 2021!

    That's the last I am going to speak of Mac fricking Jones!

    I am done talking about this overrated kid!

    1. 49R,
      From what I’ve seen of the 3 QBs, Mac Jones seems to have the best control and comfort in the pocket.
      Many of us (myself included) may frown on how much the 49ers would have given up if Jones is the guy. But perhaps we are looking at Jones as a finished product rather than what he can become after a year under Shanahan’ tutelage.
      10 days and counting.

  14. Jones can't make the throw if his feet aren't set because his accuracy goes to pot. Sideline throws fall short when he's unable to step into them.

    1. Sorry Razor, I'm seriously done talking about this overrated kid with feet of stone and a pop gun arm!

      D.O.N.E. ... Done!

  15. Asked Zach Wilson’s QB coach, John Beck, about Wilson’s fit in the Jets’ offense. “I think it’s a perfect fit. In that offense, there’s Kyle [Shanahan], there’s [Packers coach] Matt LaFleur, there’s [Jets OC] Mike LaFleur, there’s [Rams coach] Sean McVay, and they all recognize what works best in that offense. If I could have hand-picked from the offenses I know well, which one would have fit Zach best, it would absolutely be that one. He brings such a skill set to get out on the edges, to be used in the keeper game, the play-pass game, he can drive balls in very small space off unique platforms as he’s moving.

    Doesn't sound like Mac Jones is a perfect fit for this offense by Beck's statement above.

  16. If Kyle takes this kid from Alabama over Fields and/or Lance ..... I mean, all I can say is ....

    REALLY, Kyle? Really? That's your big upgrade in 2021? Wow, just wow!

  17. I'm not saying I will lose all of my respect for Kyle .... just most of it!

  18. 4/17: Justin Fields will not be the third pick in the 2021 NFL Draft. - Michael Lombardi, The Athletic

    This has to be music to the ears of the Falcons, Broncos and any other quarterback-needy team. Fields was the only quarterback worth trading up for who would be available at No. 3, and yet San Francisco won't be drafting him for some reason. This, of course, wouldn't be the first time the 49ers screwed up a quarterback decision; they paid Jimmy Garoppolo tons of money, and they also picked Solomon Thomas over Patrick Mahomes and Deshaun Watson.

    Don't do it, Shanny. Do you really want to be the guy that passed on, Mahomes, Watson, Fields and Lance?

    1. Great point Razor. I sure wouldn't want to be the guy who passed on those 4 QB's.

      As far as I am concerned, Kyle already has at least 1 strike (maybe 2) for not doing his due diligence with QB prospects in 2017.

      He cannot afford to get this wrong, ESPECIALLY if he is going to go against conventional wisdom!

      He's essentially putting his entire reputation and career on the line for the 5th rated QB in this draft class.

      Who in their right mind would do that, knowing the odds are stacked against them?

    2. It just can't happen!

    3. Trey Lance and Justin Fields are both 5 course meals, while the kid out of Alabama is an a la carte dish!

  19. I have all of the respect in the world for Kyle Shanahan, but that respect isn't unconditional!

    1. So, the 49ers may give up 3 first round picks and a 3rd rounder, in order to end up with the 4th best QB in their own division? Because that's the kid from Alabama's ceiling, IMO.

      What a brilliant idea!

  20. Jeremy Fowler
    Former #Ravens safety Tony Jefferson is set to visit the #49ers this week for a workout and physical, per sources. Was key player for Baltimore defense before serious knee injury in Week 5 of 2019. If fully recovered, intriguing option for 49ers' secondary.
    9:28 AM · Apr 19, 2021

  21. Scooter, later on in the week I am going to do a data drop on this blog, and that data will make clear that Mac Jones is most likely fool's gold!

    Trust me when I tell you that, once I put proper context on his excellent 2020 season, you won't be all that impressed!

    1. I feel 100% confident that the data you drop won't change my mind. I've seen the data. I've watched the film. He's a good player.

  22. IMHO only Wilson or Lance are worth the trade up./

    1. I'd love to get Scooter on record here, before the draft.

      I'd really like to know who he thinks is the best choice for the Niners, assuming Lawrence and Wilson go 1,2.

      Also, I'd like to know who he thinks has the best chance at having a HOF career of all the QB prospects in this class, regardless of where they end up playing.

    2. Mate, I've been on record MANY times. It's Lance for mine. But I am happy with any of Lance, Jones or Fields as I think any of them will do very well in this offense.

      I keep bringing up Jones because I strongly disagree with the majority of fans that he'd be an awful pick.

    3. If we're being honest, Scooter most fans do not believe Mac Jones is the next Manning or Brady. They believe he's the next Cousins or Brees at BEST! That's why they vomit when they hear Mac Jones for 3 one's. Any GM worth their paycheck would be fired for making that move. You know it, I know it and Lynch knows it.

    4. For mine if he moved like Joe Burrow he'd be talked about like Burrow was last year.

    5. Sure, but he doesn't. He can't throw without a clean pocket. Feet have to be set. If you want to throw the out to the sideline he'll need room to step into the throw. The only way this pick turns out looking good is if he's a top 5 qb in the league with a Super Bowl win. I'm just saying.

    6. Drew Brees was exactly the same. Manning too. QBs have been successful playing the same way for decades. Yet now I am supposed to believe you can't be successful that way anymore?

      "The only way this pick turns out looking good is if he's a top 5 qb in the league with a Super Bowl win. I'm just saying."

      Wouldn't that be the case whoever they pick? Or do the others get a pass even if they suck because you like them more As prospects?

    7. Nope, I just want to hear you say that you believe Jones possesses the traits necessary to be the next Brees or Manning.

      Yep. Think Jones has the potential to be top 5? I do not.

  23. "Coaches work 16, 17 hours a day and put in a structure to attack an opponent. And they want that structure executed. If you can’t execute the structure of an offense, you can’t play quarterback in the NFL.”

    Structure, Structure, Structure - don't leave home without it.

    I am not in this QB battle, I think it was a mistake to trade down and I hope they correct the mistake by selecting Sewell or Pitts.

  24. Wrong undercenter our Quest is finally getting again a qb who takes us to the best level.

    1. Wrong - holy cow, that's got to be a first, UC wrong - nah, well maybe just a little bit.

    2. Robber, by chance did you watch Kurt Warner's film breakdown of Trey Lance?

      He did identify a specific mechanical flaw that really stood out to me. It's something I have given Jimmy G a lot of guff about: his legs don't always work in concert with his eyes.

      In my opinion, Jimmy Garoppolo has regressed from a technical aspect in terms of his mechanics, and I feel like it's connected to his injury. In 2017, prior tearing his ACL, Jimmy's feet were definitely much calmer and just as importantly, very much in-sync with his eyes, and as a result, he was almost always in position to pull the trigger, and make a throw with his legs and hips in the proper position. When you combine this, with his very tasty tight, compact release, he was able to pass with precision, both in the pocket, and on the move.

      I do think this was definitely an issue for Lance in 2019, and helps explain why he just wasn't very accurate. I'll be curious to see how well his eyes and legs seem to be working in concert now.

      I will also be looking hard at his throwing motion, because I've heard he's really tightened that up as well over the last 15 months.

    3. Its already said by coach McEvoy hoe Trey Lance worked on everything regarding nuances of the qb position before hé die niet had zich training and individual molding.

      Kurt Warner still is a Ram and a Cardinal.

      The opinion from McEvoy that stood out to me and way more relevant than Kurt Warner.

    4. Yah, well the reason I brought it up is because Warner confirmed for me what I felt was one of the main reasons why Trey Lance's accuracy was in question.

      And for me, this is the type of thing that can be addressed and fixed through training, which goes to the while idea of "developing" all players, not just QB's. In fact, I'd be willing to bet he's already made a lot of progress in this area, and just needs reps.

      Having the ability to develop young football players is one of the things that separate the good teams from the bad, right.

    5. It would seem that the 49ers are in a rare position to actually develop a young QB while contending for a ring. So why not take advantage of this rare opportunity?

    6. And this is yet another strong argument for taking the player with the presumed highest ceiling, not the player who has the highest floor.

    7. Well said bro,the thing that sets him apart from the other qb's is his drive and mindset that's like the big time qb's

  25. I will say this, under, the public perception of ShanaLynch has already taken a small hit as a result of this trade.

    Trading all of those assets while also looking less than certain about the choice ... not a great look at the moment, IMO.

    Of course, none of that will matter if they manage to hit on a QB prospect, but if the approach is to take the high floor / low ceiling guy because he seems like the safest pick ... also not a great strategy, IMO.

    1. Absolutely correct, it will not matter whoever we take at 3 if it turns out to be the significant piece to WIN the SB.

  26. If anyone can explain to me why Wilson is a perfect fit for this system, but Jones is too; I'd greatly appreciate it.

  27. Mac Jones as a "great fit" for Kyle, is nonsensical, Razor. It simply conflates the idea of the type of QB he's had success with in the past, as being good fits, without really getting into what actually makes his system work at the QB level, and it doesn't take into account the way, and why, the league is actually trending in the opposite direction.

    It's a very lazy approach to QB analysis, IMO.

    1. You know 49Reasons, the Niners since Bill Walsh are trend setters not followers. The only reason the NFL looks like they are going to the off schedule scramblers is because colleges for the most part do not produce on schedule QB's anymore.

      I guess one of 'my' big problems and why I don't watch college football is that they have for the most part taken the CHESS out of the game, its who scrambles the best, for me that's not football.

  28. Like I said, I'm compiling a lot of data that blows huge holes in the argument that Mac Jones is a great pocket passer. And if he's not that, what is he? I mean, to me a great pocket passer is a guy who can make a lot of great plays from a muddy pocket, and completes a lot of balls down field.

    FYI, according to the data, Mac Jones is not that guy!

    1. 49Reasons: "That's the last I am going to speak of Mac fricking Jones!"
      "I am done talking about this overrated kid!"

      ** SO WE CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WHEN YOU SAID YOUR DONE? Now you're going to "compile a lot of data that blows huge holes in the argument that Mac Jones is a great pocket passer."
      * You're obsessed with this kid 49Reason, bordering on
      being OCD! 50% of the blog is you obsessing about Mac Jones.

    2. I have to admit my article was in large part just to see the reaction from 49reasons. 🤣

      In the words of Alfred Pennyworth, "Some people just want to watch the world burn".

  29. Scooter, thanks for another good one. We all know how important this pick is, so important it's become nerve-wracking. I've decided to stop thinking about this and wait until 4/29.

    1. You are a smart man, George.

      Unfortunately, I've gone too far down the rabbit hole at this point, to block it all out until the draft. I wish I could, believe me, because it's really wearing me down!

    2. Thanks George. Yes, it's a massive inflection point for the 49ers so gets a lot of scrutiny.

      Personally I like all the options the 49ers have in front of them so I think they'll be fine whoever they take.

  30. Alex Smith one of my all time favorite Niner retires. A really good man and a okay QB.

    1. Yes good character but he should have never been drafted by us.

    2. Agreed. Alex Smith is a GREAT human being!

      But .... the ghost of Aaron Rodgers still haunts me to this day, which is probably one reason why I can't get this 2021 first pick out of my dang mind.

      I am literally stemming on this pick as if the fate of this entire world is riding on it!

      I think it's going to be Lance, guys, I think Trey Lance is going to be the pick!

    3. Yes i would also thinking what the hell they do if they do the Alex Smith scenario again.

      Trey Lance all the wayyyy

    4. I hate when McShay agrees with me, but if I were making the choice, I would take Lance without any hesitation whatsoever. Shanny Inc., get to work getting the kid ready to go.

  31. Watch from the 10min mark valid reasons.

  32. Jaelan Phillips kinda reminds me of Joey Bosa.

    1. For mine he is a big TJ Watt. Or a small JJ Watt.

    2. Razor / Scooter
      I believe the 9ers will draft a CB at pick #43, but if they don't Jaelan Phillips would be my choice. The Problem is, he's likely gone before the 9ers 2nd round pick.
      The latest NFL/CBS mock draft has Miami drafting in the 1st Rd. at #18.

    3. The only way he drops is if his medicals get red flagged. Won't know that until right before the draft cuz he caught the virus right before the evaluation summit.

  33. He will be a veryyy good player Razor and Scooter

  34. Just heard a report some do not buy the amount of freight given up for Jones. The Falcons had no interest in Jones at 4.

    My stance has always been that you're paying Shanny Inc. a ton of money based on his rep, and his dad's, as a top qb whisperer. Get Fields or Lance and start whispering.

  35. Grant Cohn has seen the light hehe

  36. We all know that developing young QB's is the holy grail of building championship NFL football.

    The Chiefs and Bills are two recent NFL franchises who took a chance at developing young QB's who needed developing, and now they are being rewarded with the riches that follow.

    We all know Kyle Shanahan is a great offensive coordinator. One of the best in the league. But is he able to reach the holy grail of NFL football, and develop a young super star QB and enjoy the riches of everything that comes along with his rookie contract?

    That's the question. Does Kyle have the guts? He obviously knows that if he takes Lance, he's expected to develop a young star.

    We'll see in 10 days time!

  37. Same goes for Fields, BTW. Fields or Lance, two young NFL prodigy's, just waiting to be coached to the promise land!

  38. Fields gives me a Kaepernick feeling , Lance is the real deal IMHO.

  39. As some know, Kurt Warner has a youtube channel. It's about teaching the QB position, but he's also been evaluating the Five QBs. His rankings:

    5. Lance
    4. Fields
    3. Jones -- his evaluation is out today. See link below.

    He hasn't gotten to Lawrence and Wilson, but has mentioned they're his top two.

  40. Sage Rosenfels, former QB for Shanahan and QB Collective coach, made some 49ers fans happy late March tweeting there was no way the team was taking Mac Jones.

    He has changed his tune - this is a tweet from a few hours ago.

    "Just got done watching Mac Jones film and I feel compelled to revisit this tweet.

    I was blown away by his decision making, timing, and accuracy. These three things are attributes that Kyle S. loves in a QB.

    He really could go to the @49ers. Sorry for the premature hot take."

    1. Yeah, it could go that way. This train ride's crazy.

    2. Jordan Matthews running routes for Lance.

    3. I'm not buying it. And don't be deceived by game tape surrounded by, not just first round talent, but top 10 talent.

      Jones will find himself in hot water, gasping for air, just as soon as he starts feeling the heat, so it can't be him.

    4. In fact, I doubt Mac Jones can even beat out a healthy Jimmy G.

      I just don't buy it!

    5. There is 100% a reason Mac Jones was ranked as the 5th best prospect, and a low 1st, high 2nd round talent, only one month ago.

      Unless he turned into somebody else, like some kind of Freaky Friday, giving up all of those draft picks for his kind of limited talent, just doesn't make much sense to most folks.

      Mac Jones is certainly no Tom Brady. I promise you that!

    6. Just know this Scooter, your opinion is in an ever shrinking minority on this, not only fans, but also high level scouts.

    7. And also know this: If Mac Jones does end up being the pick, and he ends up failing, which law of averages and history tells us he likely will, Kyle will be known as the HC who made the biggest draft blunder in NFL history.

      So if you can live with that .... more power to you, brother. You do you!

  41. Mac Jones>Lance? I just can't see it.

    Kelly Clarkson>Emily Ratajkowski? Not for mine.

  42. George
    Kurt Warner has forgot more about the QB position than most of us will ever know and he does an excellent job of breaking down the QB's ability to "Process" what he's seeing from the defense. He also exposes the ignorance of those that claim to understand what they're seeing when watching video of Jones, then claim he can't run KS's offense. Or the only reason he succeeded at Alabama, was because his WR's were superior to the DB's they played against.
    Warner points out examples of the fact that Jones does have the pocket skills that's the most important ability a QB needs to win a national championship, or succeed in the NFL.
    Having said that, I'd like to point out Jones is NOT who I would draft at pick #3. To me, Fields is the 2nd best QB in the 2021 NFL draft.

    1. GEEP, when I post articles, it's usually not because I have an opinion. It's just to contribute in my own way. I'm like a guy sitting on a hill watching what goes on below. I don't "know" football. Never played it. Don't watch college. Only watch Niner games. That's the extent of my "knowledge" and it's admittedly shallow. I started thinking it was Jones. After the trade, I thought it was Fields. Recently, I've thought Lance. Who knows? If Lawrence fell to us, would that be good? I don't even know that. His father says he's not a win-the-SB-at-all-costs guy. Who wants that?

    2. George
      I think you're selling yourself short! Like the rest of us, you have an opinion, which you're entitled to, just as the rest of us are.
      I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth, just pointing out that Kurt Warner has forgot more about being a QB in the NFL, than the rest of us will ever know. Kurt Warners film break down of Jones, exposes
      those that claim he's not as capable as the other top QB's in the draft.
      * QUESTION FOR YOU: After listening to Warner, did you have a better understanding of why Jones is better than he's being given credit for? That's the problem with listening to the talking heads, they give you their opinions, not facts. Kurt Warner gives you facts and explains why.

    3. GEEP, yes. I respect Kurt Warner immensely. If he rates Jones higher than Fields and Lance, I take that to heart.

  43. Todd McShay says 49ers should draft Trey Lance, but probably won't.

    McShay:"I keep hearing Jones is the pick, but it's hard to buy, to be completely honest"

    What the heck is happening, folks? This is turning into the Twilight Zone!

  44. Great article Scooter. I am not usually a fan of Cosell, but he was spot on with his takes in that interview.

  45. This is how bad the draft is working on my head. I'm watching the Warriors @ the Sixers, and I'm watching Joel Embiid, toy with the one-dimensional - Kevin Looney, and a little voice in my head sounds like the play by play announcers saying:

    "It's still very hard to believe Kyle Shanahan drafted Kevin Looney over Joel Embiid, with the way the all-star Embiid is dominating the Warriors Center. What was Kyle thinking?"

  46. By the way, Kelly Oubre is a terrible fit in this Warriors offense! What a shame!

  47. In my opinion, a lot of fans don't understand why the 49ers moved up to #3. I think it's because when they made the move they weren't exactly sure which QB they wanted. By moving to #3 they have the ability to take either Fields, Lance or Jones (with an outside chance for Wilson if the Jets take Fields). Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to move up to #2. So, I don't think Jones was initially the sole target, otherwise they would have tried to move up to #6 or something like that (however, it takes two to tango). This doesn't mean that the team won't end up taking Jones, it just gave ShanaLynch and team more time and flexibility to evaluate rookie QBs, albeit at a cost.

  48. Well, yes it takes 2 to tango, but we know for a fact that Philly was looking to tango, which is why they went from 6 to 12.

  49. Almost the whole proday was scripted by KS this means our interest in selecting him is legit also cuz John Beck is heavyly involved, they also had multiple zooms with him last month.
    His proday was excellent from the footage i've seen,had a very good throwing motion.


Gameday Live Week 4: Patriots vs 49ers

  Defenses have been dropping 8 into coverage vs Brock Purdy at a 2x higher rate than they do against other QBs, and he's still leading ...