Saturday, March 13, 2021

49ers Free Agency Prediction

By Scooter_McG

In the past few articles I have discussed how the 49ers should be able to free up quite a bit of cap space with a few fairly simple moves (and the cap carryover has only made that easier), and outlined some of the moves I think the 49ers could make in FA and the draft to put together a strong 2021 season roster. The process has already started with the 49ers announcing a couple of re-signings in Moseley (2 years, $10.1M) and Brunskill (ERFA tender, 1 year $0.85M), and Blair released. While exact details of Moseley’s deal and 2021 cap hit has not yet been released, it is likely the cap hit will be less than the average annual value of his deal (which may also be an upper value including incentives) and the 49ers should have remaining cap of somewhere between $20M to $25M.

With the start of FA now less than a week away, in this article I will bring together some of those previous entries to provide a consolidated outline of what I think the 49ers will do in FA.

For starters, I believe the 49ers will cut Richburg and Ford. With Ford that may require a contract restructure as previously discussed, giving him a signing bonus equal to his injury guarantee then designating him a post June 1 cut. That should free up around $10M-$11M in space, though some of it won’t be realised until after June 1 (I believe around $3M). With Richburg, I’m thinking they don’t designate him a post June 1 cut, saving $4.5M against the cap in 2021 but also getting him fully off the books this year. Those two moves should take the 49ers cap space to around $35M-$40M. I predict they will also move money around on some combination of contracts including JG, Ward and Tomlinson to free up another $15M-$20M or so in 2021, to provide a kitty of around $55M. Of that, I am going to assume around $15M gets set aside for the draft class as well as some wiggle room to cover injuries during the season, leaving $40M to spend in FA.

My guess is the 49ers get a deal done with Trent Williams – something along the lines of 4 years, ~$85M with ~$45M fully guaranteed gets it done. A voidable 5th year may also be included to help spread the cap hit out. Look for the 49ers to keep his 2021 cap hit down to around $10M-$12M.

Other prominent 49ers I predict are re-signed are Kyle Juszczyk, Jason Verrett and Kerry Hyder. Juice clearly wants to be back, and it is known the 49ers have a strong interest in bringing him back. I think a 3-year contract giving him around $15M in total may make sense for both parties, with a 2021 cap hit of around $3.5M. In my opinion Hyder and Verrett will struggle to get the market they may be hoping for; Hyder because of the glut of edge players available and Verrett because of his injury history. I’m thinking both guys get two year, incentive-laden deals, with cap hits in 2021 of $3.5M and $3M respectively.

The above re-signings will take up approximately half of the $40M FA kitty.

I expect the 49ers will also keep in close contact with guys like K’Wuan Williams, Jaquiski Tartt, DJ Jones, Ben Garland and Kendrick Bourne to see how a market develops for them, and if a couple of them can be brought back on the cheap they will. But I don’t think the 49ers will push too hard for any of them, and I think Saleh will chase a few of them. A couple of vet minimum (or just above) guys I think they will also keep tabs on are Dion Jordan and Jamar Taylor, both of whom provided quality snaps when called upon last year, though Taylor’s knee injury may impact on his status.

In terms of outside FAs, in my opinion the 49ers will focus on filling out their secondary, adding quality depth at edge, as well as signing a centre and reliable 3rd WR.

I think their priority, assuming K’Wuan Williams leaves, will be slot DB Mike Hilton from the Steelers. He looks like the type of player the 49ers would really like to add. I could see them adding Hilton on a 3-4 year deal, averaging $4M-$5M a year, but with a 2021 cap hit of only around $3M. Cory Undlin, the 49ers new DBs coach, is also known to be a big fan of Jalen Mills from their time together with the Eagles. If they lose Tartt I could see them adding Mills to provide depth to the secondary as a S/CB hybrid, likely playing next to Ward, on a 2-3 year deal at around $3M-$4M a year (also with a 2021 cap hit of around $3M). I wouldn’t be surprised if they also looked at taking a flyer on a high end CB talent that is available on the cheap due to disappointing play or injury in the same vein they did with Verrett. Someone like Gareon Conley could be a guy to keep an eye on.  

At edge, a guy like Ryan Kerrigan would make sense as a veteran that still has something to offer in a rotational role but can likely be had on the relative cheap, with incentives. Something like a 1-year $3M deal that can rise with incentives may make sense. But there are plenty of options available, and while I doubt they will be able to sign one of the top guys if they re-sign Trent Williams, I would be very surprised if someone wasn’t added. Some younger options that could be of interest are Jordan Jenkins and Samsum Ebukam.

At centre, Alex Mack just makes too much sense as a stop gap and mentor for a rookie, given his history with Shanahan and his comments this offseason that he would be interested in a reunion. A 1-year deal for ~$5M is what I am thinking, and like Kerrigan, with potential to rise based on incentives.

At WR, as I wrote in my last article, a reunion with Emmanuel Sanders would make a lot of sense to provide a nice veteran presence to help the development of Deebo and Aiyuk and offer a reliable 3rd WR option. With a lot of WRs available this year and salary cap constraints, and given his age, a two-year deal paying $14M in total may be sufficient, and they could likely keep the 2021 cap hit down to around $5M.

The above signings I believe can be had for around $40M against the cap. Other guys will also likely be added/ re-signed on at or close to the vet minimum to provide depth and competition in training camp. And it should be kept in mind that as guys are signed, bottom of the roster guys will stop counting against the cap – with the nine signings above that would take around $6.5M to $7M off the cap as other players are pushed out.

The above approach would mean the team could enter the draft without having any glaring needs they have to address with premium picks, so they can focus on adding talent as they see fit rather than feeling pressured to reach or overpay for a player.

That’s what I am expecting this FA period. How do you see the 49ers attacking FA this year?

Update: Richburg has restructured his deal, taking a pay cut to save $6.875M against the cap, and is expected to retire. For accounting purposes it will be interesting to see if they ask him to hold off retiring until after June 1 to push some of the prorated signing bonus to 2022 - if he retired before June 1 they will lose around $3.5M of the cap space they just generated. 


  1. Interesting predictions Scooter.
    It's well thought out and explained but do you really think that even if SF restructures all these deals as you suggest, they would spend that much in free agency? I do not fully understand how rolling over cap space works but I imagine they will leave themselves at least 5M to play with.
    The thought process behind this not being only the rolled over cap space, but also as a protection against injuries, in the event that an emergency signing is needed. This along with the need to add depth at cb are why I think Sanders will remain outside of SF's grasp, unless he's willing to play for a sub 5M contract. Though I admit I hope that you are correct and he can be brought back.

    1. I agree they will look to have money spare - with the restructures I outlined and existing space, after spending the ~$40M in FA they should still have around $20M in cap space based on what I laid out, half of which would likely be needed for the draft class.

      As for Sanders, I think a cap hit of $5M in 2021 is fine and achievable.

  2. Very good overview. Agree on many of the predictions. Also think that the Niners will go to the draft without any glaring holes -- which is the MO of all well-managed teams.

    Per Rappaport, Richburg's contract has already been restructured freeing up $6.9M with Richburg expected to retire later this off-season.

    I think Niners are seriously interested in re-signing Bourne and K'Waun. Not sure what would qualify as "push too hard" but IMO they will be offered money competitive to offers they receive. Their play has exceeded their pay in the past and the Niners will recognize that in their offers.

    Don't see Niners paying $7M for Sanders, especially if they can re-sign Bourne. Also don't expect a JG restructure until later when it's time to sign rookies and extend Warner..

    I expect Niners to mostly sit pat for a week following the re-signings. Maybe with the exception of Mack and a CB. Then begins the bargain bin scouring. There will be a lot of value in the bin this FA season ...

    1. Thanks Mood.

      What makes you say they are really interested in re-signing K Williams and Bourne? I think if neither guy gets much of a market they will be interested, but I suspect Williams will get a decent market and Bourne I think they will let go - I think the injuries/ absences of Deebo and Aiyuk last year showed the value of having a good 3rd option and can replace that 4th WR role with someone cheaper in the draft.

      Re JG restructure - yes, timing could be whenever and holding off as long as possible makes sense for a team that still seems less than 100% committed to him. They just need to stay under the cap at all times. But I think they will be willing to spend more than most expect in FA, and they can restructure JG when they need to - or if they decide after the draft they can move on they can just let him go.

      And yes, I think after some of the key re-signings and maybe one or two key additions (like Mike Hilton and Emmanuel Sanders), they will sit back for a bit and add guys on the relative cheap.

    2. > What makes you say they are really interested
      > in re-signing K Williams and Bourne?

      Because both have played well for four seasons without any drop in performance. Bourne has improved steadily. Both are trusted players and Kyle is loyal to those who have produced for him and are good team players. I cannot think of any reason they would not try to re-sign them. Bourne is entering the FA market at a bad time for #3 WRs. The FA market is flooded with capable #3 players and many more will be available in the draft.

      Williams will probably garner more interest than Bourne but Niners will make a solid offer, IMO. The fear for Niners fans is that Saleh will go after every Niners FA. Not if Joe Douglas has his way.

    3. I see Bourne said the 49ers have been telling him they want him back, so maybe you are right there. Personally I think they can and should look to upgrade that 3rd WR spot, and I think Bourne will be too expensive to be a 4th guy.

      I think you may be a bit optimistic regarding Douglas getting in the way of Saleh bringing in guys he wants. And I think Williams will definitely be a guy Saleh wants.

  3. They restructured Richburg's contract creating an additional 6.875 in salary cap. His retirement is on the horizon.

    1. I knew he would retire. Now if, Ford can come to grips with his retirement they can move on.

    2. With Richburg's restructure the salary cap must be north of 30 million now.

    3. That's big news, wonder how this shakes out vs just cutting him.

    4. Thanks under, I have added an update. This is an interesting one, as straight cutting him would have been more cost effective. It must be a case where he won't be able to pass a physical and that impacts on their ability to cut him without financial ramifications.

      As per my update, I wouldn't be surprised if the team ask him to hold off officially retiring so the prorated signing bonus doesn’t accelerate.

  4. I think these predictions have a pretty good chance of coming true for the most part. Good job, Scooter.

    Ian Rapoport
    · 55m
    Accounting this AM:
    — #49ers restructured C Weston Richburg, creating $6.875M of room for the player who likely ends up retiring.
    — Details on the 2 #Bills defenders who took less to help the team: Mario Addison ($1.99M less) & Vernon Butler ($2M less), tho there are incentives.

    1. Thanks razor. Wonder if any players accept pay cuts at the 49ers (not counting Richburg who is retiring)...?

  5. Scooter
    You keep writing articles like this and you'll have to quit your day job? You're already better than the Cohn head at
    SI, but I'd guess that would be a cut in pay for

    RE TW: 4 yrs ~$85 Mil may be a little low. Colts owner, Jim Irsay, thinks they're SB contenders now that they've signed
    QB Carson Wentz. However, their left OT, Anthony Castonzo, has retired and Irsay has made it no secret he's willing to spend to get the best OT to replace him.

    RE Free Agent center, Alex Mac, replacing Richburg at a cost of ~$8 Mil P/Y.
    IMO a better use of the salary cap. Resign Ben Garland for less than $1Mil., draft Ok. Center Creed Humphrey, the top Center in the draft and a natural ZBS fit. Let Daniel Brunskill compete for at RG.

    Other than than that, I agree with you. Nice job.

    1. Thanks GEEP.

      It will be interesting to see just how much Williams ends up getting. The most important aspect though will be the guaranteed money. I think ~$45M fully guaranteed (effectively two years fully guaranteed), with another ~$20M in guarantees but not fully guaranteed, may be sufficient. That is more in guarantees than Tunsil got, and he had the Texans over a barrel.

      Re Mack, I doubt he costs as much as $8M these days. At that cost they are better off going for Linsley. I think $5M will be enough to get him.

    2. Scooter
      Agree with you on TW guaranteed money, at last I hope so.

  6. Scooter, you must be some NFL GM wunderkind impersonating as a Niner fan in Australia, right? Super article. Thanks.

    1. Ha! Thanks George, appreciate the kind words.

      What do you think they do in FA?

  7. Well written Scooter and thank you for the time you take to write articles here. Love that most of the insightful commenters from the PD seem to have made it over to this site.

  8. Scooter,
    You are quickly becoming the Inspire 49ers unofficial GM. Another great piece.

    One of my concerns is re-signing Trent Williams. A few months ago the talk was that the 49ers should not pay TW more than 18m per year.
    Now, some pundits are predicting that TW' floor will start at 20m and possibly go up to 23m.
    NFL Network recently listed Williams as the number one FA. I have to believe that his agent will exploit this to the fullest extent or amount.

    Williams would need to have a sweet spot for the 49ers if he comes in 20m. I look forward to some intriguing player movement beginning next Wednesday. And especially how the Trent Williams question shakes out.

    1. Everything I am reading/ hearing makes me feel pretty encouraged about Williams staying. Including Williams' own comments in response to Sherman predicting he stays with the 49ers.

      The main concern I had with re-signing him pretty much vanished once it was revealed the 49ers were getting a sizeable amount of cap carryover.

      Williams is definitely the big domino to fall as far as the 49ers offseason plans are concerned, but they will have money to be active in FA regardless.


    2. Mike Garafolo
      From yesterday's NFL Now on
      : The #49ers are making a strong push to keep LT Trent Williams from getting to the market. Williams made it clear he's interested in staying, though he wants fair value.

  9. Justin Coleman, who was just released has a familiarity with the 49ers. His defensive coordinator in Detroit last year was Cory Undlin, who is now the 49ers secondary coach and pass-game specialist.

    1. Yeah, he may make more sense than Hilton tbh. Played under Undlin, but also familiar with a similar type of D from his time with Seattle. So many good slot CBs available in FA this year.

  10. Sounds like the 49ers are set to re-sign Juice.

  11. Scooter
    Just to add to your Juice comment:

    The 49ers said they would do everything they could to re-sign fullback Kyle Juszczyk before he could leave in free agency, and it appears they’ve done both that.

    Although no official signing has been announced, 49ers General Manager John Lynch strongly hinted that it’s going to happen on Twitter.
    “I’m thirsty. Niners fans, you want some ‘Juice?" Lynch wrote, using Juszczyk’s nickname.

    1. Juice's agent Linta responded "“I would like juice, too. But it’s expensive at this time of year.” Deal may be be hammered out later today....

      Juice would be the first of the four FA's who I thought, back in last October, to be high-priority re-signs for the Niners (the two Williams, Juice and Sherm). Later, when Sherm made it clear that he wasn't coming back, I replaced him with Verrett in that list. We'll see if they can re-sign all four.


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